Tag Archives: bps


Mathematics Department of FMIPA UNEJ now has a Statistician Clinic

Statistician Clinic is result of a follow-up to the Cooperation Agreement between Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) of Kabupaten Jember with Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNEJ last January. The existence of Statistician Clinic is expected to be able to improve Statistical Literacy to the wider community and assist students in consulting and searching for data for research and research purposes.

The Statistician Clinic is open every Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 15.00 which is temporarily located in the courtyard of the Mathematics Department building, FMIPA UNEJ. In the future, this clinic will occupy one of the spaces around the Jember University Library in order to reach more visitors. Some of the services that can be obtained include publication of digital data, statistical consultation, and recommendations for statistical activities. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Cooperation Agreement with Badan Pusat Statistik of Jember Regency

In an effort to increase the competence of higher education graduates through MBKM Internship Program, FMIPA University of Jember entered into a Cooperation Agreement with the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) of Jember Regency in the Meeting Room of FMIPA Dean (14/1). “This PKS aims to harmonize the joint program of activities in an effort to improve the knowledge, skills and competencies of FMIPA students at the University of Jember in Internship activities/student work practices, especially MBKM in the BPS district of Jember” Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. It was further stated that the beginning of this collaboration was from the visit of Head of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso, S.Si., M.Kom. to BPS’s office. “Following up on the visit of the Head of the Mathematics Department, we have prepared a cooperation agreement to establish collaboration between FMIPA and BPS Jember,” he said. On that occasion, Ir. Arif Joko Sutejo, MM. The Head of BPS gave appreciation to FMIPA who immediately followed up on the BPS cooperation offer. “BPS wants to collaborate with academics, as well as to introduce statistical literacy to the wider community. BPS is also concerned with developing sectoral statistics in order to improve statistical quality through coaching and with FMIPA one of them,” explained Arif. It was also conveyed the desire of BPS Jember Regency to establish a Statistical Corner within the University with the aim of conveying all information on statistics, especially BPS. On this occasion were attended by Vice Dean I and III of FMIPA UNEJ, the Head of the Mathematics Department and several expert staff from BPS. Continue reading