Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Opens and Inaugurates New Students at PPMB FMIPA Jember University in 2024

Located in the parking lot of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially opened the implementation of the 2024 New Student Guidance and Development (PPMB) of FMIPA Universitas Jember (21/9). “With PPMB, FMIPA students will be equipped with academic and non-academic skills by the supervising lecturers and student organizations in FMIPA,” he began. The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ hopes that PPMB will make FMIPA students who can take part in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Indonesia. “I hope that the provision of PPMB 2024 will make students play a role in the SDGs initiated by the Indonesian government when they graduate from FMIPA UNEJ,” he said.

Prof. Dafik also reminded FMIPA of its desire to make its graduates achieve 3.5 to the power of 4. The first is that as much as possible 3.5 years of FMIPA students can take their thesis exams; the second is as much as possible to get a GPA of 3.5 to compete with competitors in the world of work. “The next 3.5 is the 3.5-month waiting period for FMIPA graduates to get a job, and the last 3.5 million is the first salary that FMIPA graduates get,” hoped the Dean. Present at the opening ceremony are Vice Deans II and III, the supervising lecturers who will accompany PPMB FMIPA 2024.

PPMB 2024 participants will be given material supplies about PKM, ONMIPA material, PPK ORMAWA achievement material, and PKM guidance material. Expo of each UKM in FMIPA will be displayed to attract the interest of new students. PPMB 2024 will take place every Saturday from September 21 to October 19, 2024. “Each UKM will be given a presentation session in class and a UKM expo to introduce the profile so that participants can choose and join according to their interests and talents,” said the PPMB 2024 committee student.

To train cooperation between new students, the PPMB 2024 Committee held a simple outbound activity. “We will also train togetherness and cooperation through the outbound agenda with simple games that we have scheduled in the 3rd to 5th week,” said the PPMB 2024 committee. Vice Dean III of FMIPA Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., advised new FMIPA students to follow PPMB 2024 properly and maintain their health. “We, the committee, have arranged the PPMB 2024 schedule in such a way that it does not interfere with lectures and hope that students can always be healthy and cheerful in participating in the event,” he explained.

Documentation of PPMB FMIPA 2024