Based on the vision, mission and goals achieved, the Strategic Planning of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember are formulated as follows:
1. a good accreditation rating for study programs within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember by the national accreditation agency (BAN PT);
2. graduates who are recognized both at the national level and in Southeast Asia and Asia;
3. a strong culture of quality in research and scientific publications at national and international levels;
4. a culture of social friendliness in disseminating mathematics, science, and its applications to improve the welfare of the community;
5. Tridharma’s work in the fields of mathematics, science, and its application which supports the development of potential and local wisdom that is useful for the community.
6. cooperation between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Jember at the international level in the implementation of Tridharma activities; and
7. Organizational governance of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember which is transparent and accountable.

The strategic targets above can be realized through the implementation of work programs that include education; research and community service; internationalization and organizational governance.

AcademicResearchInternationalizationGovernance Organization

(1) Development of Curriculum and Learning based on National Higher Education Standards;
(2) Strengthening and enriching learning outcomes oriented to the uniqueness of graduate attributes;
(3) Optimizing the application of the learning process oriented to Student Centered Learning (SCL) and IT Based Learning;
(4) Strengthening the implementation of resource sharing-based learning at the national and international levels (credit transfer, sandwich, joint degree and double degree);
(5) Optimizing learning management through the application of national and international standard quality management;
(6) Strengthening resources oriented to quality and competitiveness;
(7) Expanding access to education for domestic, regional and international students.

internationalization activities and access to education for foreign students will also be developed. Two targets to be achieved are efforts to expand alumni networks and international publications.

(1) capacity and capability of research and service groups;
(2) resources through research and service of coaching, strengthening, and excellence through a gradually increasing budget ratio;
(3) excellent and unique service and research as branding, institutional contributions at national and international levels
(4) cooperation network of Academics, Business, Community and Government (ABCG) in realizing grounded science and technology;
(5) cooperation network of national and international expertise/expertise in building collaboration research and community engagement;
(6) research results and services that have the potential to obtain intellectual property rights;
(7) service capacity and capability for lecturers and students;
(8) Expansion of guidance/assistance in solving problems faced by the community;
(9) cooperation with community institutions and agencies in the area around Jember in the field of industrial agriculture;

(1) Access to foreign students from Southeast Asia and Asia
(2) Cooperation between universities in Southeast Asia and Asia in the implementation of Tridharma.

(1) meritokrasi based capacity, capability, and career in realizing the professionalism of lecturers and education staff;
(2) optimizing resources and assets in realizing scholarly graduates, excellent works and products;
(3) environmentally friendly green campus;
(4) quality management-based governance, internal audit culture through an integrated management information system;
(5) institutional competitiveness and social responsibility through alumni networks;
(6) institutions in the form of increasing the number of new study programs.

The strategy for achieving the established VMTS is carried out by implementing the P-D-C-A (Plan-Do-Check-Act) quality management cycle. Quality control, using the P-D-C-A approach, every strategy for achieving VMTS is carried out in a coherent and systematic stage.

1. Plan
Planning in academic activities (education, research, and community service) and non-academic activities (development or procurement) is carried out using a top down and bottom up approach. This planning is set forth in the form of the Annual Operational Plan (RENOP) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember (attached). In terms of planning academic activities and budgets, the faculty leadership provides more rules as a reference for departments or study programs to make plans. The study program prepares plans such as learning activities and development activities to the faculty level. This effort is carried out as a form of escort or risk control that may arise in the planning process of learning and development activities in an effort to realize or achieve the established VMST FMIPA UNEJ. This planning is basically more aimed at solving problems faced in both academic and non-academic fields. Academic activity planning activities have been developed based on existing information technology, namely by using an integrated information system or SISTER which is online at This system has also been developed with an android system for both lecturers, students and parents. In addition, for development planning, an online budget information system has also been developed at

2. Do
The implementation of activities must be based on a predetermined plan. The implementation of academic activities (education, research, and community service) and non-academic (development) within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNEJ, in order to achieve VMST is based on the planning that has been carried out. The consistency of the implementation of activities in accordance with this plan is guaranteed by the relation of activities to the budget (standard UNEJ or SBU costs which are revised every year). If there is an inconsistency between the planning and the implementation of the activities, it will result in the budget not being disbursed to meet the supporting facilities and materials in the implementation of the activities. The implementation of this predetermined planning-based activity is a form of risk control policy that is carried out both at the time of submitting a proposed activity plan and during the implementation of activities from beginning to end.

3. Check
In order to achieve VMST FMIPA UNEJ, all activities organized by FMIPA UNEJ and departments or study programs within FMIPA UNEJ are evaluated or audited annually by Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu (LP3M) for learning activities, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian (LP2M) for research and community service activities, and the Satuan Pengawas Internal (SPI) for development activities, especially those relating to financial management and other resources (assets and teaching and educational staff). Evaluation of the quality of the implementation of learning and the implementation of institutional development activities is carried out by LP3M and the Gugus Penjaminan Mutu (GPM) with a focus on compliances between the implementation of activities and plans, as well as compliance with procedures (SOPs) in the form of work procedures, work instructions, and guidelines for organizing activities. The learning audit is aimed at seeing the suitability of the learning substance developed in learning with the curriculum, as well as looking at the depth and breadth aspects. Monitoring and evaluation of research and service is carried out by LP2M. The evaluation process carried out by SPI is related to complying with the principle of using and utilizing existing resources through tracking administrative activities and the use of finances that have been carried out.

4. Act
This strategy is carried out in order to evaluate in total the results of the targets and processes for the implementation of the plan and evaluation of activities, and follow up with improvements. If it turns out that what we have been doing is still lacking or not perfect, immediately take action to fix it. This Act process is very important before we go further into the next improvement process. The results of this Act process will be used as material for further planning, so that the established VMST can be achieved in accordance with the specified time.

5. Preparation of LAKIP
Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah(LAKIP) is prepared at the end of each year of activity implementation as a report on the results of the planning implementation that has been carried out to achieve the established VMST FMIPA UNEJ. This strategy is important because with this LAKIP you will get an overview of the achievements of the main performance indicators that have been set as indicators of the achievement of VMST FMIPA UNEJ at the end of each year. This LAKIP can also provide an overview of the achievement of the performance contract between Rektor and Dean of FMIPA UNEJ. This is a form of high commitment between the Chancellor and the Dean to work together to achieve VMST UNEJ and VMST FMIPA UNEJ. This LAKIP is used as material to prepare an activity plan for the following year in order to achieve the established VMST FMIPA UNEJ.