Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember has 4 Undergraduate Programs: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Terakreditasi B oleh BAN-PT berlaku 11 Januari 2022 – 11 Januari 2027
Quality Study Program and active in the development and application of Mathematics, in particular supporting industrial agriculture
(a) Implement a quality and accountable learning process;
(b) Implement research in the field of mathematics, especially those related to industrial agriculture;
(c) Participate in solving problems in society related to mathematics and its application through community service activities;
(d) Upgrade cooperation with stakeholders in understanding mathematics and its application
(a) Produce graduates who are virtuous, rational, and competitive in the field of mathematics and its applications;
(b) Produce scientific works and appropriate technology design models, especially those that are beneficial for the development of industrial agriculture;
(c) Creating a mathematics-aware society with community service activities;
(d) Creating a conducive academic atmosphere to improve the performance of study programs;
(e) Realizing sustainable quality academic services;
(f) Collaborating on scientific activities with other institutions in increasing resources, developing mathematics and its application both within the scope of University of Jember and outside University of Jember

Terakreditasi UNGGUL oleh LAMSAMA berlaku 13 Desember 2022 – 13 Desember 2027
Become a Physics Study Program that is able to produce Excellent Physics scientific products to develop science and technology, qualified and professional graduates who are able to adapt to the environment and are able to compete at the global level, especially in Southeast Asia.
- Improving the quality of resources in order to be able to carry out the Tridharma well through improving infrastructure, human resources, the quality of the learning process and the quality of information technology-based academic services.
- Actively promote exploration of Physics through the improvement of basic research and its possible application that is oriented towards research products by involving lecturer-student collaboration.
- Increasing the competitiveness of graduates through improving soft skills such as English language skills, information technology and entrepreneurial insight.
- Connecting cooperation networks with alumni, stakeholders and other institutions, both tertiary and non-college, both nationally and internationally.
- Increasing the competitiveness of study programs through scientific activities such as seminars, guest lectures, workshops on a national/international scale, international student exchanges, exchange of lecturers/researchers with foreign institutions..
- Produce graduates who excel in the fields of Material Physics, Computing, Electronics and Instrumentation, Biophysics and Geophysics.
- Produce graduates who are virtuous, have a logical-rational mindset, have good communication and leadership skills, and are skilled at working in their fields so that they are able to compete and be useful in the work environment where they are located.
- Applying the field of Physics for the development of environmentally friendly science and technology so that the study program is able to become a center of excellence.
- Produce quality scientific products resulting from international standard research.
- Increasing the role and contribution of study programs to national development through organizing scientific activities such as seminars and workshops, both nationally and internationally.
Terakreditasi UNGGUL oleh LAMSAMA berlaku 13 Desember 2022 – 13 Desember 2027
Educational institutions and chemical science development that rely on local resources, have added value and are environmentally friendly
- Develop quality-oriented learning activities and competence of graduates,
- Develop environmentally oriented research and increase the added value of local resources,
- Develop community service activities based on research results,
- Build and develop cooperation in implementing Tridharma of higher education at national and international levels,
- Implementing a quality management system in the implementation of higher education Tridharma activities.
Terakreditasi Internasional ASIIN berlaku 23 September 2022 – 30 September 2028
Terakreditasi B oleh BAN-PT berlaku 28 Desember 2021 – 28 Desember 2026
Excellence in the field of biosciences oriented to the management of tropical biological resources that are environmentally sound and globally competitive.
1. Organizing bioscience learning with global competitiveness oriented towards environmentally friendly management of tropical biological resources;
2. Carrying out bioscience research oriented to the management of tropical biological resources that is innovative and productive with an environmental perspective;
3. Organizing community service based on research results in the field of biosciences oriented to the management of tropical biological resources with an environmental perspective;
4. Increase cooperation in education, research and community service at the national and international levels.
1. excel and have good ethics in applying bioscience to become a bio-entrepreneur and solve problems related to environmental management of tropical biological resources;
2. responsive and adaptive to the development of science and technology;
3. able to apply a professional, independent, collaborative, communicative and responsible work culture as well as being able to cultivate a leadership spirit in the work environment and society;
4. able to continue their education to a higher level in the field of biology and other related fields.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember organizes regular semesters and short semesters. In the implementation of the learning process of a course, the number of lecture hours when the course is taken in the short semester is the same as in the regular semester. The implementation of learning activities in each semester involves at least 93 lecturers, 1244Â active students (semester gasal T.A 2024/2025) and 39 staffs. FMIPA conducts monitoring and administration to be further coordinated with departments, laboratories, staffs, lecturers and even directly to students.
Lectures run according to the academic calendar of University of Jember and the use of space is efficient, so the scheduling of lectures, mid and end semester exams, are all coordinated by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In order to achieve the target of lecture materials (according to the curriculum and schedule that has been determined) and the number of drop-out students can be reduced, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences monitors the presence of students and lecturers in lectures, monitors the activity of lecturers in filling out lecture journals, and conducts initial monitoring/guidance of students with low credit scores. So that the end of semester evaluation does not interfere with the UNEJ IT system (especially in collecting grades from lecturers) and the implementation of TA and internship courses can be properly monitored, the implementation of the end of semester exams, seminar exams, thesis exams, and the implementation of student internship activities are jointly managed by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
University of Jember Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2024/2025
Odd Semester