Dean Prof. Dafik Invites FMIPA Academic Community to Welcome UNEJ’s Status Transition to PTN-BH

Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., invited the academic community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to prepare and participate in the plan to change the status of University of Jember to Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Berbadan Hukum (PTN-BH). “At the end of this year there will be a big moment; at UNEJ, our campus will prepare to become a PTN-BH; let’s welcome and participate in it,” said the Dean of FMIPA at the Apel Pagi on Monday morning (9/9). It was said that during PTN-BH there would be no more PNS recruitment, so the current opportunity could be utilized if there were colleagues who met the requirements to join UNEJ. The acceleration of promotion and functional for lecturers and education staff was also mentioned.

“This year, several of our lecturers and education staff will enter retirement, including professors, so immediately prepare to fill them, as well as senior lecturers, while young lecturers are also preparing for doctoral studies,” he continued. Prof. Dafik also conveyed the good news that FMIPA can already hold lectures in the ISDB building north of FMIPA. “We, FMIPA, can already utilize floors 4, 5, and 6 in the ISDB building for lectures and student organization activities; please utilize them and, for use, coordinate with the Head of General Affairs of FMIPA,” he invited. It was also said that classes in the UNEJ Entrepreneurship building can also be used for Masters lectures.

The FMIPA leadership has coordinated with UNEJ to be able to utilize the space and building for lectures. “We can serve students without having to be in FMIPA; like yesterday’s graduation, we utilized the auditorium of the entrepreneurship building on the 3rd floor,” he explained. The Dean of FMIPA hopes that with this convenience, lecture services can be maximized and no longer constrained by space. Returning to PTN-BH, efforts were mentioned to generate Revenue Generating Activities (RGA) at FMIPA UNEJ.

“With the support of all FMIPA residents, the back of the dean’s office building will be renovated to create a public service area that ladies and gentlemen who have the ability to produce products can join,” said Prof. Dafik. Those who can make special foods and drinks can collaborate. At the end of the Apel Pagi, the Dean again invited the community to work together in welcoming PTN-BH UNEJ. “The community’s contribution will play a role in PTN-BH UNEJ; coordinate, and together we will realize this support,” he concluded.