Four students from the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology University Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia will take part in International Student Mobility in Biology FMIPA UNEJ. “Welcome to Indonesia, the city of Jember, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; hopefully, in 4 months, you will all be comfortable carrying out the International Mobility Student program,” said Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. The Dean of FMIPA was accompanied by the Deputy Deans in welcoming the arrival of students from Malaysia (25/9). The work practice agenda at the Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia and PT. Mitra Tani 27 has been prepared by FMIPA for these four students.
Nurul Alya bint Hamdan, Wan Nur Hafizah bint Wan Mohamad Nor, Muhamad Zarul Ikhwan bin Roslan from the Agribusiness Program, and Siti Hajar Natashah bint Samsudin from the Plant Biotechnology Program will become Jember residents in the future. “The language may be more or less the same; the food may also be; adapt immediately; if there are any difficulties, immediately communicate with us,” said the Dean of FMIPA at UNEJ. In their daily lives, they will be accompanied by several students from FMIPA to get to know the UNEJ campus, FMIPA, and the environment around the campus more closely.
Vice Dean II FMIPA UNEJ Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., conveyed several agendas at the beginning of their arrival at UNEJ. “Tomorrow, you will be received by the UNEJ International Office; the next day, you will attend lectures in the Biology Department; and on the Maulid Nabi, you will also be introduced to the traditions here,” he said. Wadek II also touched on the need for accommodation while at FMIPA and work practice at the Cocoa Research Center and Mitra Tani 27.
On the occasion of the introduction, Vice Dean I Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., told the four students from Malaysia not to be awkward in discussing with lecturers and FMIPA leaders. “You don’t need to call us with a title, just Pak or Bu; even with colleagues, you can call us Mas, Kak, or Dik,” he said. Vice Dean, I also invited them not only to study the lectures but also the customs and culture in Jember to share when they return to Malaysia.
Through the Student Mobility Program, FMIPA UNEJ also sends students to the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology University Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia. They come from 4 departments at FMIPA, namely Prima Harmadi from the Biology Department, Muhammad Ricy Romadhan from the Chemistry Department, Vanesya Damayanti from the Biology Department, and Jasmine Syafiyyah Annisa from the Mathematics Department. Their plan is to be in Malaysia from October 2023 to February 2024, with funding from the University of Jember and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
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