Master of Mathematics FMIPA UNEJ Finalizes Evaluation of LAMSAMA Accreditation Documents

Master of Mathematics Program FMIPA UNEJ held an evaluation of LAMSAMA accreditation documents at Agrotechno Jubung (1-3/7). Presenting a companion from the Lembaga Penjamin Mutu dan Pengembang Pembelajaran (LPMPP), Dr. Iis Nur Aisyah, S.P., M.P., and Lailatul Azkiyah, S.TP., M.P., Ph.D. The event was officially opened by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., who hopes that Masters in Mathematics can achieve UNGGUL accreditation. “In the next three days, we will discuss the evaluation of the LAMSAMA Master of Mathematics accreditation documents together, accompanied by Mrs. Iis and Mrs. Kiki from LPMPP. I hope to get good results, namely superior accreditation,” he said.

For three days, the FMIPA Mathematics Masters accreditation task force team will carry out a common perception of the Laporan Kinerja Program Studi (LKPS) and Self Evaluation Report (LED). Each criterion will be accompanied by a team from LPMPP and also UPM-GPM FMIPA UNEJ. Previously the team had worked based on agreed criteria. “Prior to the evaluation and similarity of perceptions between LKPS and LED, the task force teams had each worked based on predetermined criteria,” said Dr. Mohamad Fatekurohman, S.Si., M.Si. Chair of the Master of Mathematics accreditation task force. Fatkur hopes that at the end of the agenda, each person responsible for the criteria can present the results of their evaluation and improvements.

For your information, the Master of Mathematics Mathematics Department at FMIPA was founded in 2009. And in 2013, it received B accreditation from BAN-PT. It is hoped that this year’s re-accreditation will get the maximum score from LAMSAMA, namely UNGGUL. This will increase the interest of prospective students in being able to study further at the Master of Mathematics FMIPA UNEJ. “There are many improvements to prepare for accreditation from infrastructure, from improving the quality of teaching to tracking master’s alumni,” explained the Head of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso, S.Si., M.Kom.

Until the second day, almost all the tables on the LKPS criteria and also with LEDs could be fulfilled on time. Dr. Ika Hesti Agustin, S.Si., M.Si., as Coordinator of the Mathematics Masters Study Program, FMIPA, hopes that this will be a good thing for applying for accreditation. And during the presentation, team representatives for each criterion were able to show results that could be said to be good. Although there are several points that will be corrected immediately before it is proposed, possibly on August 30, 2024, I have great hope that the Master of Mathematics will achieve UNGGUL accreditation from LAMSAMA after completing the upcoming field visitation period.