Padsu FMIPA UNEJ participates in choir competitions between work units throughout the University of Jember.

The FMIPA UNEJ choir team (padsu) participated in the choir competition between work units throughout Jember University at the Soejarwo Building, Fl. 5 (6/30). Receiving lottery number 09, the Padsu FMIPA team took to the competition stage accompanied by the Dean of FMIPA at UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. Together with 18 other work units, Padsu performed two songs: the obligatory song Tanah Airku and the regional song Gundul-gundul hoe. The FMIPA Padsu team is a combination of staff, education staff, and the female dharma unit of FMIPA. The choir competition is a routine item on the item on the agenda of the University of Jember to commemorate the birth of Pancasila in 2024 in the series of Pancasila months, which began with a flag ceremony on June 1.

Using uniforms with a Javanese theme, the Padsu FMIPA team succeeded in showing their best. This success was achieved after almost a full month of routine training in between activities at the faculty. Accompanied by a trainer, in the afternoon the FMIPA padsu team was trained in voice work according to the score and movements to support the stage appearance. The day before, the Padsu team held a clean rehearsal to try out the stage and team positions. The committee also gave Padsu the opportunity to practice trying to sing two songs that would be presented the next day.

For your information, the aim of the UNEJ competition is to recall the values ​​of Pancasila, strengthen friendship and solidarity and provide a channel for artistic expression for Jember University residents. The choir consists of 16 to 24 singers, with 1 conductor and accompanist who may come from UNEJ or from outside UNEJ. The jury is competent in providing assessments using criteria in the form of song material, technique, delivery and appearance.

The Padsu FMIPA team performed with a presentation of 4 voices with arrangements that had been prepared by the coach. The winners will be announced on the peak night of the commemoration of Pancasila’s birthday, July 5 2024. After the performance of the FMIPA team, the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ felt proud and expressed his thanks to all team members. “I feel proud of the appearance of FMIPA, I hope to get the best results by winning the championship, even if not, the most important thing is that we have participated in the Pancasila harlah agenda,” he said.