
Prof. Krishna Persaud from The University of Manchester visits FMIPA, University of Jember

FMIPA Universitas Jember received a visit from Prof. Krishna Persaud, Ph.D., from The University of Manchester (28/10). Accompanied by Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, UNEJ, they met with the Head of Deanship and Head of the FMIPA Department. “Prof. Krishna is present at UNEJ, especially FMIPA, to share his research experience, and we have the opportunity to join him,” began Prof. Bambang’s speech while officially opening the discussion event. The University of Manchester is a merger of Victoria University of Manchester and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST).

“He has done a lot of research in several countries, both in Europe and Asia, and I hope UNEJ, in this case FMIPA, can join in his research,” continued Prof. Bambang. A similar thing was also conveyed by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., who welcomed the arrival of Prof. Krishna to encourage FMIPA lecturers to do joint research. “Prof. Krishna has a very good track record, as can be seen from his Scopus, so I invite lecturers to join in his research,” invited Prof. Dafik, who is also an alumnus of UMIST. Continue reading


Mathematics Department, FMIPA UNEJ with IndoMS East Java Region holds 14th Webinar Series

The Mathematics Department of FMIPA UNEJ, together with the Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS) of East Java region, held a webinar series (26/10). Raising the theme “Application of Mathematics, Science, and Technology in Optimization in the Industrial Environment” with resource person M. Ziaul Arif, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. lecturer in the Mathematics Study Program, FMIPA, University of Jember. The webinar was attended by participants representing approximately 25 universities throughout Indonesia. As conveyed by Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso, S.Si., M.Kom. as the chairman of the committee. The webinar is held once a month by IndoMS in its role of echoing mathematics.

This was stated by Dr. Noor Hidayat, M.Si., Governor of IndoMS East Java, in his speech. “IndoMS is a professional organization that has a desire to spread mathematics to the wider community, not only for members with a monthly webinar series,” he said. Dr. Noor also said that the webinar topic that raises the application of mathematics is one way to introduce mathematics to the real world. Present was the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, who is also the President of IndoMS, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., to officially open the 14th webinar series. Continue reading


106th Graduation Ceremony of Undergraduate Program (S1) FMIPA UNEJ Period VI Academic Year 2024/2025

FMIPA UNEJ held the 106th Undergraduate (S1) Graduation of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Period VI, Academic Year 2024/2025 (18/10). Held in the Auditorium of the Entrepreneurship Building, University of Jember. In his graduation speech, the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., invited the graduates to immediately equip themselves in preparation for entering society. “With the knowledge gained, coupled with persistence and consistency, soft skills are needed again, which are called adaptation skills to the environment, especially the world of work,” said Prof. Dafik.

Adaptation skills are needed because of the constant changes that occur in this life. “Along with the progress of the times, the knowledge gained must transform into skills so that adaptation skills become extraordinary,” he continued. The graduates were reminded that soft skills and hard skills are basic decisions of adaptation, while adaptation is the key to success. Make it a weapon to be able to fight in entering the world of work. The dean advised that graduation is the future of a brilliant generation by holding the keywords conveyed. “Hopefully you will all be successful, and don’t waste time; fill your time by continuing to study,” he concluded. Continue reading


Chairman of ZI FH UNEJ, Yusuf Adiwibowo, S.H., LL.M., Provides Understanding of the Implementation of the Integrity Zone at FMIPA UNEJ

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, presented the Head of ZI, Faculty of Law, UNEJ, Yusuf Adiwibowo, S.H., LL.M., at the Socialization of Improving the Implementation of the Integrity Zone (15/10). Yusuf shared his views and experiences in building the integrity zone at the Faculty of Law, UNEJ. He said that there were several strategic steps that FMIPA had prepared in order to achieve the status of the Corruption-Free Area Integrity Zone (ZI-WBK) from the Ministry of PANRB. The initial foundation for building ZI is a change in organizational culture. “Changes in mindset and work culture are the initial foundations for building ZI,” he said.

He also mentioned the importance of strengthening accountability, supervision, and improving public services. “Strict supervision and measurable accountability will encourage the achievement of the integrity zone,” he continued. Transparency and openness must also be implemented in order to create a work environment free from corruption. Yusuf also presented several things that have been implemented in building ZI at the Faculty of Law, UNEJ. The socialization event was attended by the ZIWBK-WBMM team and the leadership of FMIPA, UNEJ. Continue reading


Biology Department, FMIPA, University of Jember Presents Biotechnology Expert Dr. M. Kamaraj from India

Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ presents Dr. M. Kamaraj, Associate Professor and HoD of Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Humanities Ramapuram Campus, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India (9-11/10). A series of events for 3 days were officially opened by Dr. Retno Wimbaningrum, M.Si., as the Head of the Biology Department, FMIPA UNEJ. The first day began with a guest lecture agenda with the theme “Current biotechnology for environmental assessment and monitoring.” Moderated by Purwatiningsih, Ph.D., the lecture was attended by lecturers and biology students. “Biotechnology is changing the way we monitor and assess the environment using innovative, precise, and efficient tools,” began Dr. M. Kamaraj.

It is said that biotechnology is changing the way we monitor and assess the environment by offering innovative, precise, and efficient tools. “The application of this technology will improve sustainability efforts, encourage better resource management, and support environmental mitigation,” he continued. The guest lecture also provided an opportunity for discussion with participants. The next agenda item was a visit to the sub-labs in the Department of Biology such as ecology, zoology, botany, microbiology, and biotechnology. At the end of the first day’s agenda, Dr. M. Kamaraj was invited to visit the CDAST & IsDB building and met Prof. Dr. Bambang Sugiharto, M.AgrSc. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Holds The Second International Basic Science Conference (IBSC) 2024

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, held the Second International Basic Science Conference, or IBSC 2024 (8/10). Held in the 3rd floor of the UNEJ Entrepreneurship Building, this year the theme was “AI at the Frontier of Natural Sciences: Trends and Future Directions.” Presenting keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Ismail Naci CANGÃœL from Bursa Uludag University, Turkey; Dr. S. Stalin from SASTRA Deemed to be University, India; Prof. Dr. Ing. Hendro Wicaksono from Constructor University Bremen gGmbH, Germany; and Dr. M. Kamaraj from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India. The 2nd IBSC 2024 was held in a hybrid manner, attended by 53 participants, and Dr. M. Kamaraj from India was present at UNEJ to provide material.

The 2nd IBSC 2024 was officially opened by Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector of UNEJ for planning, cooperation, and information systems. In his speech, Prof. Bambang said that IBSC is a conference to disseminate knowledge, interact with experts, and strengthen professional networks. “IBSC is a forum for discussion and sharing to support the advancement of science and technology,” he said. It is hoped that the output of the conference discussing the theme of artificial intelligence will be able to make natural science the forefront of future trends and directions of research. Continue reading