Introduction of New Student Campus Life (PK2) University of Jember Academic Year 2015/2016 took place starting on August 10, 2015 beginning with the opening ceremony by the Rector of the University of Jember in Jember University Stadium. Furthermore, the reception at FMIPA in the afternoon, at Parking Lot, FMIPA University of Jember. Dean and all leaders in FMIPA to welcome new students at the reception ceremony was held.
In his speech, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember Drs. Kusno, DEA., Ph.D. submit to the new students to take advantage of time to carry out lectures and able to adapt as soon as possible on campus and in the surrounding areas. The 2015/2016 Academic Year, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember receive as many as 267 new students with details of the Department of Mathematics 26, 65 Department of Physics, 70 Department of Chemistry, and 66 Department of Chemistry.
For a week new students are given a briefing include:
– Strategi Belajar di Perguruan Tinggi
– Kode Etik Mahasiswa Universitas Jember
– Pengembangan Kemahasiswaan dan Layanan Mahasiswa
– LKMM Pra-Dasar (Sifat Krisis)
– LKMM Pra-Dasar (Ketrampilan Berkomunikasi)
– LKMM Pra-Dasar (Pola Pikir Prestatif)
– LKMM Pra-Dasar (Pengenalan dam Pengembangan Diri)
– Implementasi TI untuk SISTER dan Student Plan
– Penjelasan dan Pengisian FRS secara Online
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For this year’s Character Building is done in SECABA with waves divided according to each faculty. PK2 closing ceremony held on August 23, 2015 with the show leisurely stroll followed by the Rector of the University of Jember also entertained by the show Reog Ponorogo and “Tari Petik Kopi” form UKM Kesenian University of Jember.