PPKS UNEJ Task Force Holds Road Show at FMIPA, Socializes Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Program

Satuan Tugas (Satgas) Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual (PPKS) at Jember University held a road show to all UNEJ work units. One of them is FMIPA, the socialization of theĀ Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual (PPKS) was carried out on the 3rd floor of the Mathematics Department building (14/5). Present from the PPKS task force, Adeharda Boru Sibasopait, S.S., M.M., and Dr. Rokhani, S.P., M.Si., accompanied by Deputy Dean II FMIPA UNEJ Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. which also opened the road show. At the beginning of socialization, the definition of sexual violence was explained. “Sexual violence is an act of humiliating, insulting, harassing, and/or attacking a person’s body and/or reproductive function due to unequal power and/or gender relations,” explained Dr. Rokhani.

Continuing, violence will result in or can result in psychological and/or physical suffering, including disrupting a person’s reproductive health and loss of opportunities to pursue higher education. Forms of sexual violence are explained, from speech to punishments that have sexual nuances. It also explains the types of sexual violence that often occur but are less recognized. “The types of sexual violence that we must understand include verbal, physical, non-physical and in the current era, through ICT,” she said in front of participants from the FMIPA UNEJ academic community.

While on duty, the PPKS task force conducted a sexual violence survey at the University of Jember with 14,732 respondents. The survey results of several forms of violence with the highest ranking in UNEJ were receiving remarks that contained advances, jokes, and/or whistling with sexual nuances, and the last position was having been forced or tricked into getting pregnant. “From academic activities, the survey results show that KKN is a risk factor for sexual violence, according to respondents,” said Adeharda Boru Sibasopait, S.S., M.M.

It was also said that respondents did not know where to report it, so some chose not to report it. The reasons vary, from feeling embarrassed to feeling like there is no need to report. “So the UNEJ PPKS task force was formed on December 7, 2022, by the Rector of UNEJ as a center for preventing and handling sexual violence in higher education,” she continued. Targeting students, lecturers, education staff, campus residents, and the general public who interact with the UNEJ academic community.

In prevention efforts, the PPKS task force actively carries out prevention outreach activities using various conventional media through seminars, placing banners, including complaint services on videotrons, and through online media. “For handling, it is based on Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021, with the stages of receiving reports, examination, drawing up conclusions and recommendations, recovery, and preventing recurrence,” she said.

The next discussion is about the SOP for handling sexual violence cases within the University of Jember, from the reporting stage to the follow-up stage. Even with the flow of handling sexual violence cases, from receiving reports to reporting results and recommendations, It also explained the authority and cooperation of the UNEJ PPKS task force. “We are working with psychologists and the legal services and assistance bureau from the Faculty of Law UNEJ,” she concluded.

In closing, the sanctions that will be applied take into account the impact of victims, the number of victims, victims with disabilities, repetition, type of violence, and behavior of the perpetrator. Meanwhile, victims have rights based on Permendikbud Ristek No. 30 of 2021. The PPKS task force also has restrictions that have been regulated, and for complaints, a UNEJ PPKS task force hotline has been prepared. The event ended with a question-and-answer session by the socialization participants.