Scholarship Students at University of Jember there are 14 scholarships, including:
Assistance Scholarship Tuition Fee Increase Academic Performance (BBP-PPA) This scholarship is awarded to outstanding students in academics and preferably come from families who can not afford economically.
2. ADik
3. Bidik Misi
The number of students at University of Jember grantee BIDIK MISI in the second semester of 2014/2015 was 4,061 people with the details:
1) BIDIK MISI in 2011 = 400
2) BIDIK MISI in 2012 = 1,050
3) BIDIK MISI in 2013 = 1,257
4) BIDIK MISI 2014 = 1,349 people
5) BIDIK MISI Professional Program = 5
BIDIK MISI scholarship financing component is (1) Help Education Fund, (2) Help Cost of Living for eight semesters for Tier One Program and six semesters for Diploma Program continuously.
4. Bidik Misi Lanjut
Bidikmisi S2 which aims to provide facilitation for bidikmisi receiver who has completed a period of study S1 / D4 to continue their education to a higher level. Technically this scholarship dilasurkan through Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance.
5. Situbondo Unggul
6. Banyuwangi Pintar
Scholarship Program is a program of the “Banyuwangi Cerdas” Banyuwangi goverment to provide access to education for high school graduates to pursue higher education for students who have academic potential but constrained Traffic sufficient economy. Scholarships for students of sons / daughters in Banyuwangi, University of Jember awarded since 2011 by adopting the BIDIK MISI scholarship funding system. Financing component of this scholarship consists of tuition assistance and help with the cost of living with total Rp. 1,000,000.00 per student per month.
7. Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia to realize this vision by providing scholarships to 40 students of the University of Jember Rp. 500,000.00 per student per month as set out in the MoU between Bank Indonesia and University of Jember No 16/198 / DKom / Jr and number 15 497 / UN25 / KM / 2014, December 19, 2014. In addition to providing scholarship funds, Bank Indonesia also train students through a container Genbi (Generasi Baru Indonesia) is a container of the students and alumni grantee Bank Indonesia at a national scale and to contribute ideas, ideas, and thoughts about nation building.
8. Beasiswa BNI
9. Beasiswa TASPEN
10. Beasiswa Bank Mandiri
11. Beasiswa BRI
12. Beasiswa Djarum
13. Beasiswa Supersemar
Supersemar consistently has taken a role in educating the nation by providing scholarships to students include the University of Jember. The amount of funds and the number of scholarship recipients is highly dependent on the financial capacity of the Supersemar Foundation. In addition to scholarships are also awarded scholarships Supersemar Regular ungulan Supersemar.
14. Beasiswa Benny Subianto Foundation
Concern in the field of education is not only the government (GO) but also by private parties (NGO), among others Benny Subianto Foundation. The foundation was founded by Benny Subianto, a successful businessman in Jakarta who came from Jember. The Foundation is dedicated to helping students who have academic achievement but getting financing constraints. At the University of Jember This scholarship was started in 2014.