Tag Archives: cerimre


Towards SINTA 2, CERiMRE Journal Presents Andri Pranolo Chief Editor IJAIN from UAD

The Journal of Computational and Experimental Research in Materials and Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a workshop towards SINTA 2 in the Physics Auditorium (12/7). With the theme “Governance Workshop Towards a SINTA 2 Accredited Journal,”  Andri Pranolo, S.Kom., M.Cs., Ph.D., Chief Editor of the International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics (IJAIN), IJAIN is a journal indexed by Scopus with Q3 from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta. Present and open the CERiMRE journal workshop with Purwatiningsih, Ph.D., as Vice Dean II of FMIPA, who is also Chief Editor of the BASIC ILMU Journal, as well as several journal editors within FMIPA UNEJ.

Andri explained the assessment elements in the ARJUNA application that can be optimized by a journal to increase accreditation. “Let’s dissect the elements of ARJUNA assessment starting from naming the journal, institution, editing, article substance to dissemination in order to increase the journal’s accreditation,” he began. The Informatics Study Program lecturer at UAD explained in detail the points and relationships between elements that can be optimized when applying for journal accreditation. For example, the involvement of bebestari partners from several countries will increase the value of substance and management. “By involving reviewers from several countries, we will increase the value of management which will impact the quality of articles in order to increase the value of the substance,” he continued. Continue reading


Journal of CERiMRE, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Accredited by SINTA

“Congratulations and success for the CERiMRE journal in obtaining SINTA 4 accreditation from the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology,” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Deputy Dean I FMIPA UNEJ and Head of the Jember University OJS Team (2/2). CERiMRE, even though it is a young journal, has been able to achieve DOAJ some time ago and finally received SINTA accreditation. “He is relatively young, but he was able to achieve the DOAJ international indexation, and now he has been accredited by SINTA. I hope this will add enthusiasm to other FMIPA journals,” continued Siswoyo.

For your information, CERiMRE is an acronym for Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy managed by the Physics Department of FMIPA which is driven by the Applied Materials Computational Research Group or KeRis KMT. CERiMRE led by Dr. Artoto Arkundato as the Editor-in-chief, has prepared the SINTA accreditation process through several workshops and finalized the requirements from ARJUNA. Continue reading


CERiMRE Journal of Physics FMIPA Webinar with Mendeley Advisor

Journal of Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a Mendeley Webinar (3/11). Presenting Diky Zakaria, S.Pd., M.T. from UPI Karawang Campus. Diky, who is also a Mendeley Advisor, presented Penyusunan Referensi Artikel Ilmiah pada Jurnal CERiMRE dengan Software Mendeley. “As an initial stage, we first check, Mendeley installation, whether there is an account or not and Mendeley integration in Word,” explained Diky.

Diky explains the features and applies Mendeley to journal references. “Mendeley can display the metadata of a PDF file automatically, and that makes it easier to write references in journals,” said the lecturer of Prodi Mekatronika dan Kecerdasan Buatan, UPI. One of the PT. Rumah Publikasi Indonesia (RPI) also shows the integration of the Mendeley software with MS Word which the author usually uses. Continue reading


CERiMRE Journal of Physics Department, FMIPA indexed in DOAJ

“Congratulations for CERiMRE journal being indexed in DOAJ or Directory Open Access Journal following Jurnal ILMU DASAR” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ and Head of The OJS Team at University of Jember (19/4). CERiMRE, an acronym for Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy, is managed by the Department of Physics, FMIPA in collaboration with Kelompok Riset Komputasi Material Terapan or KeRis KMT.

CERiMRE is counted as a young journal because it just published it in 2018. “He is relatively young, but he was able to achieve international indexation at the DOAJ level, hopefully this achievement will add enthusiasm to other FMIPA journals,” continued Siswoyo. DOAJ is a reputable international indexing engine of medium category which contains a journal database. DOAJ is open access, there is no charge for the indexation process. Continue reading