Tag Archives: corrosion


Guest Lecture at the FMIPA Chemistry Department Presented Ari Setyono, Pertamina Offshore Pipeline Practitioner

The Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a guest lecture presenting Ir. Ari Setyono, Pertamina offshore pipeline practitioner (17/5). Ari has experience working for several large oil companies overseas as a pipeline engineer. “The material will be more about my personal experience when working abroad; we can compete with foreign workers in the fields we are good at,” said the ITS Mechanical Engineering alumnus. We are told about installation techniques and pipe maintenance, which involve chemistry, namely corrosion. “At the beginning, I will introduce pipe installation techniques, and later, the part that will be interesting for chemistry students is about corrosion,” he continued.

Ari explained in general how the pipe is located on the seabed, how to install it, and how to maintain the stability of the pipe by having to know about soil studies, soil compression, and the process when approaching the beach. “Apart from installation, we must also pay attention to pipe protection from other elements, such as shipping lanes and port areas with lots of anchors that could endanger the pipe route,” he explained. Protection related to chemistry, namely corrosion, is discussed, including the form of loss and the rate of corrosion. The discussion was interesting because, in chemistry, there was a course that dissected corrosion. Through this guest lecture, it can attract interest so that there will be a return to the corrosion chemistry course. Continue reading