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Equating the Perception of Duties and Functions of GPM-UPM FMIPA, University of Jember

“So that Gugus Penjaminan Mutu (GPM) and Unit Penjaminan Mutu (UPM) can immediately work in accordance with their main tasks and functions, it is necessary to have an equalization of perceptions between GPM and UPM personnel,” this was conveyed by Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. when opening Equalization of Perceptions of GPM and UPM FMIPA UNEJ some time ago in the International Room of the Mathematics Department, FMIPA. In Perception Equalization event also invited interviewees Drs. Zulfikar, Ph.D. who has served as Wakil Rektor I of the University of Jember and has also served as the Tim Badan Penjaminan Mutu University of Jember. Zulfikar presented a presentation on the tasks of GPM-UPM from determining to improving work programs, evaluating and monitoring which must be periodically carried out by the FMIPA UNEJ Quality Assurance team consisting of GPM and UPM. “The components of education that are evaluated, at least include the completeness and suitability of the syllabus or learning planning with the implementation of learning,” he explained. Furthermore, it was also conveyed about the suitability between learning facilities and objectives and student participation in learning activities. For information, GPM together with UPM at Study Program level function to coordinate, implement, evaluate, and report on all quality assurance activities at the study program and faculty level on an ongoing basis. The preparation of the GPM and UPM work programs is dynamic and adaptive to any changes that occur both internally and externally in the higher education system. Continue reading