Tag Archives: kartini


DWP FMIPA Wins 3rd Place in Makeup Competition at The DWP University of Jember and The Kartini’s Day

Ika Hesti Agustin representing the Dharma Wanita Association of FMIPA UNEJ won 3rd place in the Make Up Competition for Official Events/Parties which is a series of Catur Wulan Dharma Wanita Association of University of Jember and Commemorating the 144th Kartini Day (10/5). “It is a matter of pride for the DWP FMIPA UNEJ after some time participating in a make-up competition, to be able to win 3rd place,” said Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah as Chair of the DWP FMIPA. Based on the judging, the winner of the make-up competition was FIB first winner, followed by FKG representative second winner and FMIPA DWP third winner.

“We saw Ms. Ika’s makeup skills and talent during a make-up tutorial at the DWP FMIPA meeting some time ago,” he continued. The event, which was opened by the Head of DWP UNEJ Wiwin Iwan Taruna, took the theme “Dengan Semangat Kartini, Perempuan Masa Kini Lebih Kreatif dan Mandiri di Segala Bidang, Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang“. On that occasion, the DWP FISIP, FEB, FH, FAPERTA and the Central Office became the joint committee. Continue reading