Tag Archives: unej


Preparation of the Work Program Plan of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ for the 2025-2026 Period

Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ is currently preparing a work program plan for the 2025-2026 period. This work program aims to improve the quality of members, strengthen social contributions, and strengthen togetherness among members in supporting the vision and mission of the faculty. The Chairperson of Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ, Lis Setyaningsih Dafik, at the coordination meeting expressed the importance of program planning that covers various aspects. “The programs do not only focus on self-development but also strengthen the role of members in educational, economic, and socio-cultural activities that have a positive impact,” she said.

“The preparation of the work program plan aims to ensure that every activity carried out provides optimal benefits for DWP FMIPA UNEJ members,” said Lis Setyaningsih Dafik. The management is trying to design a program that focuses on women’s empowerment, skills development, and strengthening solidarity among members. The DWP FMIPA work program is divided into secretariat, education, economics, and socio-culture. ” The preparation of this work program is based on an evaluation of the work program that has been implemented in the previous period. “Aiming to identify successful achievements and areas that need to be improved or enhanced,” she continued. Continue reading


Morning Harmony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember: Creating, Innovating and Achieving

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hosted the Morning Harmony of Jember University (24/1). It began with joint exercise attended by the Rector, Vice Rector, UNEJ Senate, all Deans and heads of institutions within the University of Jember. Also participating were retired UNEJ, UNEJ academic community and Dharma Wanita Persatuan. “I would like to express my gratitude to FMIPA as the host of the morning harmony which is a routine meeting to exercise together, socialize and communicate,” said the Rector of Jember University, Dr. Ir. Iwan Taruna, M.Eng, IPM. It was also said that there was an idea for the implementation of the morning harmony to be adjusted to the dies of each faculty. Iwan Taruna was enthusiastic about the FMIPA morning harmony event which also featured study program products and also held several sports matches.

At the end of his speech, the UNEJ Rector drew the host for the next morning harmony. “For the next morning harmony we are moving a little to the south, FASILKOM will be the next host,” he concluded. Together with the Dean of FMIPA, the UNEJ Rector was pleased to hand over the main draw to the winner. Previously in his speech, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. echoed the motto of FMIPA UNEJ. “With the motto of Creating, Innovating and Achieving, FMIPA will continue to improve in order to realize the symbol of three point five to the power of four for students,” he said. He continued, the first 3.5 as much as possible in 3.5 years FMIPA students can take the thesis exam, second as much as possible to get a GPA of 3.5. Continue reading


Night of the 26th Anniversary Celebration of the FMIPA Faculty at UNEJ, Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Jember University

The highlight event of the 26th Anniversary of the FMIPA Faculty at University of Jember was held in a festive atmosphere last night (24/12). It was made even more special with the presence of the Rector of University of Jember, accompanied by the Vice Rectors I, III, and IV, as well as the Chair of the Senate of UNEJ, all of whom attended to celebrate the occasion. The Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., expressed his happiness and emotional gratitude for this year’s anniversary celebration. “On behalf of FMIPA, I would like to thank the Rector, Vice Rectors I, III, IV, and the Chair of the Senate of UNEJ for attending the 26th anniversary celebration of FMIPA,” said Prof. Dafik. He also acknowledged the hard work of the organizing committee, a collaboration between the BEMF (Student Government) of FMIPA and all members of the FMIPA community at UNEJ. “I hope that at 26 years old, FMIPA will continue to innovate, create, and achieve even greater success,” he added.

Dr. Ir. Iwan Taruna, M.Eng, IPM, the Rector of Jember University, congratulated FMIPA on successfully holding the anniversary celebration. “I extend my appreciation to FMIPA for celebrating its 26th anniversary while also joining in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Jember University,” he said. The Rector also expressed his hopes that FMIPA would continue to contribute to the progress of Jember University. During the event, the Dean of FMIPA presented a ceremonial rice cone (tumpeng) to the Rector of Jember University. The entire FMIPA academic community was in high spirits, celebrating the anniversary in the Soetadjo Building at University of Jember. Continue reading


Chess, Badminton and Volleyball Competitions in the framework of the “MIPA Moving Healthy” Event

The “MIPA Bergerak Sehat” event continues with a chess tournament. Representatives from various departments and the FMIPA deanery competed in chess in front of the Biology Department building. The players were divided into two groups, and the tournament was played in two rounds. The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., joined in the fun by participating in the chess match. “As I mentioned during the opening, now it’s time to compete in the chess tournament,” he said. As a warm-up, the Dean played a practice match with Prof. Dr. Kahar Muzakhar, S.Si. Although they were in the same group, they didn’t face each other directly. “Let’s practice first. Even though we’re in the same group, we haven’t met yet. I’ll wait for you in the final, Prof. Kahar,” said Prof. Dafik.

At the start of the tournament, four chess pieces and a timer were provided for each group. The organizers set rules that all participants had to follow. “We’ve set the rules, and we’re playing in the spirit of good health and sportsmanship, following the ‘MIPA Bergerak Sehat’ motto,” said Budiyono, one of the organizers. In the final round, Sapik from the Dean’s office faced Muhayat Zamroni. After a fierce match, Muhayat Zamroni emerged as the winner. The Dean hopes this event will continue, as it helps sharpen the mind and serves as a refreshing break from work. Continue reading


Master of Mathematics Study Program FMIPA UNEJ Achieves UNGGUL Accreditation Predicate from LAMSAMA

The academic community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Universitas Jember received great news as 2024 comes to a close. The Master’s Program in Mathematics at FMIPA UNEJ has achieved UNGGUL accreditation. This is confirmed by the decision from the Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) with the number 117/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/M/XI/2024, dated November 21, 2024. This UNGGUL accreditation is a proud achievement for the Mathematics Master’s Program and for everyone at FMIPA UNEJ. “This is the result of the hard work of the taskforce team and program managers, as well as the collaboration of many parties, which led to the UNGGUL accreditation,” said FMIPA Dean, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D.

The Mathematics Master’s Program, through its accreditation team, prepared the necessary documents with the support of faculty, students, alumni, and stakeholders working together to achieve the UNGGUL accreditation. The leadership of Universitas Jember also played a key role in supporting the LAMSAMA accreditation process, with contributions from all units within the university. During the site assessment, the Rector, Vice Rector IV, Head of UPA TIK, Director of Postgraduate Programs, and representatives from LPMPP were present. The Rector fully supported the UNGGUL accreditation to improve the university’s Key Performance Indicators (IKU). Vice Rector IV presented an overview of Universitas Jember. Continue reading


Welcoming the 60th Anniversary of UNEJ, FMIPA holds a MIPA Moves for Health Competition

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the University of Jember (UNEJ) and the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), FMIPA held a competition with the theme “MIPA Moves for Health.” The event was opened by the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., on November 26 at the Mathematics Department building. He explained that the competition was organized to promote health and physical activity, as a way to celebrate these milestones. Prof. Dafik emphasized that staying healthy helps people stay active and motivated. This is especially important because FMIPA is supporting UNEJ’s preparation to become a Public Service Agency (PTN BH). “We need strong stamina to face the challenges ahead, so this activity is very useful,” he said.

The event, led by Dr. Esti Utarti, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, featured a variety of competitions: table tennis, badminton, volleyball, chess, and a healthy walk. “Let’s participate and watch the competitions. I will also join the chess competition,” said Dr. Esti. In his closing remarks, Prof. Dafik encouraged participants to maintain sportsmanship, saying that winning or losing is normal, but the most important thing is to enjoy the prizes. “Competitions have winners and losers, but we must keep our unity. The event will end with a healthy walk, bazar and according to Vice Dean 2, there will be many prizes,” he added with a smile. Continue reading