Towards SINTA 2, CERiMRE Journal Presents Andri Pranolo Chief Editor IJAIN from UAD

The Journal of Computational and Experimental Research in Materials and Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a workshop towards SINTA 2 in the Physics Auditorium (12/7). With the theme “Governance Workshop Towards a SINTA 2 Accredited Journal,”  Andri Pranolo, S.Kom., M.Cs., Ph.D., Chief Editor of the International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics (IJAIN), IJAIN is a journal indexed by Scopus with Q3 from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta. Present and open the CERiMRE journal workshop with Purwatiningsih, Ph.D., as Vice Dean II of FMIPA, who is also Chief Editor of the BASIC ILMU Journal, as well as several journal editors within FMIPA UNEJ.

Andri explained the assessment elements in the ARJUNA application that can be optimized by a journal to increase accreditation. “Let’s dissect the elements of ARJUNA assessment starting from naming the journal, institution, editing, article substance to dissemination in order to increase the journal’s accreditation,” he began. The Informatics Study Program lecturer at UAD explained in detail the points and relationships between elements that can be optimized when applying for journal accreditation. For example, the involvement of bebestari partners from several countries will increase the value of substance and management. “By involving reviewers from several countries, we will increase the value of management which will impact the quality of articles in order to increase the value of the substance,” he continued.

Warm discussions graced the opening of the workshop, several editors at FMIPA asked questions about accreditation and good journal management, of course with quality articles. Andri answered by giving an example of a journal he managed that achieved Scopus. “For the quality of articles, first prepare a good template, a clear article status process, reviewers from several countries with international reputations,” he said. He also shared his experience of managing several journals with international and national reputation.

Previously, Dr. Artoto Arkundato Editor-in-Chief CERiMRE expressed his gratitude for the willingness of Andri Pranolo, Ph.D. to accompany his journal towards being accredited by SINTA 2. “We contacted him online, and were willing to accompany the CERiMRE journal to be reaccredited to SINTA 2 as well as share experiences in managing Scopus journals,” he said, surprised that the source was also ARJUNA’s assessor. Purwatiningsih, Ph.D. Deputy Dean II of FMIPA, who represented the Dean to open the workshop, said that this opportunity could be used by journal managers at FMIPA to learn. “FMIPA has 7 journals that can gain knowledge from presenters to increase their accreditation ranking, as well as learn to manage good journals,” he said.

Continued with the CERiMRE journal review session in preparation for SINTA reaccreditation in the SCL room of the Physics Department. By referring to self-evaluation in the ARJUNA application, Andri accompanied several changes to the pages and articles. “We skin them one by one, we adjust our self-evaluation to the conditions on the CERiMRE page, and we immediately update it so we can see the results,” he explained. The CERiMRE editorial team followed carefully and also made changes according to the suggestions of the presenters. The results obtained are towards SINTA 2, of course with notes on improvements that must be made before submitting for reaccreditation by the CERiMRE journal.

CERiMRE Workshop Documentation