Yearly Archives: 2023


Farewell of UiTM Students and Evaluation of Inbound Mobility Activities for Foreign Students at the University of Jember

After 4 months of participating in Inbound Mobility in Biology at FMIPA UNEJ, students from the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology at Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia took part in a farewell event and activity evaluation (28/12). The event was held by LPMPP UNEJ in the 3rd floor hall of the Mas Soerachman Building. Present were the Secretary of LPMPP, Head of the International Office, Dean of FMIPA, and Vice Dean I of FMIPA, accompanied by the Head of the Biology Study Program and supervisor. There are also other foreign students who take part in the Inbound Mobility program. On this occasion, typical Malaysian nasi lemak created by Malaysian students was served. While in Jember, they attended several lectures and work practices.

They have completed practical work at the Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia and PT. Mitra Tani 27 Jember. Nurul Alya bint Hamdan, Wan Nur Hafizah bint Wan Mohamad Nor, Muhamad Zarul Ikhwan bin Roslan from the Agribusiness Program, and Siti Hajar Natashah bint Samsudin from the Plant Biotechnology Program also attended lectures at the Biology Department, FMIPA UNEJ. And was visited by the Dean of the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology (FPA), UiTM Malaysia Prof. Ts. Dr. Azhan Hashim @ Ismail, and Head of Center of Studies Dr. Zaiton Sapak last mid-November. Continue reading


LAMSAMA Accreditation Field Assessment, Biology Masters Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University

The Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) team held a field assessment of the accreditation of the UNEJ FMIPA Biology Masters Study Program. Deputy Chancellor I University of Jember Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D., together with the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achamd Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., accompany the assessor team at the opening of the field assessment (18/12). The assessor team consists of Prof. Dr. Bambang Heru Budianto, M.S., from Jenderal Soedirman University Purwokerto, and Prof. Dr. Sri Puji Wahyuningsih, M.Si., from Airlangga University Surabaya..

Vice Chancellor I UNEJ Prof. Slamin delivered a presentation regarding the profile of Jember University. In his presentation, the vision and mission, number of faculties and postgraduates, study programs, teaching staff, education, and students active at UNEJ, UNEJ’s achievements, and the direction of UNEJ’s development from 2004 to 2028 were presented. “In recent years, the accreditation of study programs with superior achievements at UNEJ has increased, in line with several achievements at the national level,” he explained. UNEJ’s success as the organizer of the annual agenda, namely Abdidaya ORMAWA in 2023, was also touched on, along with achievements with medals in several categories contested. Continue reading


Welcoming Mother’s Day, Members of DWP FMIPA UNEJ Appeared Elegantly in Dresses at Routine Meetings

Dressed in kebaya, all members of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Jember University celebrated Mother’s Day at their regular meeting (15/12). “I would like to express my gratitude for the presence of the ladies who were beautiful and elegant in kebaya at the routine meeting of DWP FMIPA members,” said Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Sjaifullah, Chair of the DWP FMIPA UNEJ Sub Unit. It was also conveyed that this regular meeting of members was the last time the management was chaired by Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Sjaifullah. There were members present, consisting of lecturers, education staff, wives of the FMIPA UNEJ academic community, and also retired employees.

The regular meeting held in the Physics Department Auditorium also presented two speakers who were also members of the DWP FMIPA UNEJ. The first is Dr. Ika Hesti Agustin, S.Si., M.Si., a mathematics lecturer who gives make-up tutorials, and Dra. Priwahyu Hartanti, M.Pd., conveys information about mammography. No less interesting at this regular meeting will be the members with the best kebaya chosen by the jury and the most favorite chosen by the meeting participants. “Like previous meetings, we will provide compassion in accordance with the DWP FMIPA UNEJ program,” concluded Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah. Continue reading


Students of FMIPA Jember University depart for Malaysia for the International Internship Program

Four FMIPA UNEJ students took part in the International Student Mobility Program at the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. They come from 4 departments at FMIPA, namely Prima Harmadi from the Biology Department, Muhammad Ricy Romadhan from the Chemistry Department, Vanesya Damayanti from the Biology Department, and Jasmine Syafiyyah Annisa from the Mathematics Department. They will be in Malaysia from October 2023 to February 2024. This program is part of an international collaboration between FMIPA Jember University and UiTM Jasin Melaka, which aims to increase students’ practical experience and broaden the scope of their horizons in the professional world.

Arrival in Malaysia is preceded by a health check-up performed in Shah Alam. Before starting the internship in the Teluk Intan area, they lived temporarily in the Kristal Milik condominium of UiTM Shah Alam. There they get hotel-like facilities and can explore various tourist spots around Malaysia, including going to Kuala Lumpur and seeing the Petronas Twin Towers. “Before going to UiTM, we were given the opportunity to intern at Ladang MOCCIS Sdn. Bhd. Perak to learn about oil palm seeds as well as cattle, goat, and deer farming,” said Muhammad Ricy Romadhan.

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The FMIPA Geophysics Lecturer Team, in collaboration with LP2M UNEJ, will Collaborate with the Regent of Jember to Educate the Community about Rembangan Landslide Disaster Mitigation.

The FMIPA Geophysics Lecturer Team, together with the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) UNEJ, took part in Gelar Logistik dan Peralatan Serta Peresmian Tanda Edukasi Pendidikan Bencana (4/12). On this occasion, Jember Regent Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto, ST., IPU, ASEAN Eng., along with the ranks of the Jember Regency Government, are committed to establishing a collaboration with LP2M UNEJ and the FMIPA Geophysics Team. This is a proactive effort to increase community awareness and preparedness for landslide disaster mitigation. The event at Jember Square held several strategic activities, including the launch of a disaster education tent, the inauguration of the Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana), the formation of the Kelompok Tangguh Bencana (Katana), reforestation, Wira Karya Week, and increasing volunteer capacity.

In this activity, the Puslit Lingkungan Hidup dan Kebencanan, LP2M UNEJ, displayed several products related to the environment and disasters, including the results of research related to landslide mitigation by a team from Geophysics, Department of Physics, FMIPA UNEJ. During a visit to the LP2M UNEJ booth, the Regent emphasized the importance of a holistic approach in dealing with disaster risks, especially landslides in Rembangan.. Continue reading


PKM-RE Team, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember Participates in the 36th PIMNAS 2023 at Padjadjaran University

The Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Riset Eksakta Team (PKM-RE) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, took part in the 36th Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) at Padjadjaran University from November 26 to December 1, 2023. The PKM-RE team consisted of Moh. Nazib Abdulloh Yaqin as team leader, with members Qurrota A’yun, Willda Dian Alfiela, Inayatul Ilmiyah, and Helmy Adam Zakaria. Carrying the theme of Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Kopi sebagai Material Pendukung TiO2 untuk Aplikasi Reduksi Logam Berat Cr(VI), the PKM-RE FMIPA team competes with 525 PKM groups from 107 universities throughout Indonesia. The PKM teams that passed PIMNAS were the result of selection from 5102 PKM teams that passed funding in 2023.

Dr. Sutisna, S.Pd., M.Si. lecturer at Department of Physics, FMIPA UNEJ, as the supervisor, said that the PKM-RE FMIPA team had prepared themselves, including strengthening the presentation material. “PIMNAS will be divided into 25 classes with several different fields, and this year poster judging will be carried out first, followed by presentation judging,” he said. It’s just that in 2023, the PKM-RE FMIPA team has not succeeded in winning a medal. Sutisna also added that for the implementation of the PKM-RE research, funds from Belmawa amounted to 7.6 million, with matching funds from the University of Jember amounting to 2 million. Continue reading