Yearly Archives: 2023


Last Working at FMIPA UNEJ, Dr. Teguh Gives Public Lecture at Department of Biology

Dr. Hidayat Teguh Wiyono, M.Pd., a lecturer at Department of Biology FMIPA delivered a Public Lecture in the context of separating from his retirement period (4/7). Mr. Teguh raised the theme “Integrasi Model Tematik Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi dengan KKN Mahasiswa untuk Mewujudkan Visi-Misi Lembaga (Jurusan)“. He shared various experiences while working directly in the community in developing super longan to assisting student Community Service Programs in the Baluran area and sentool plantations.

Mr. Teguh also mentioned that the vision and mission of the University of Jember and FMIPA are related to what he does, namely community service. “The vision and mission of FMIPA and UNEJ have alluded to what I am doing, I hope it will continue and have great opportunities not only for KKN but also for the implementation of MBKM,” he said. He gave the example of the sentool plantation which he last worked on, opening up many opportunities for BKP MBKM to be implemented there. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Choir Team Participated in Choir Competition at the University of Jember

The FMIPA choir team participated in a choir competition between work units at the University of Jember (25/6). Getting participant number 3, the FMIPA team performed the Garuda Pancasila song and the chosen song Gundul-gundul Pacul. Dressed in Javanese nuances, the invited guests smiled at the action of wearing sunglasses from the FMIPA men’s team. Present on the agenda were UNEJ leaders, Rector, Vice Rectors and Deans at UNEJ.

The FMIPA team, before competing, was directly encouraged by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. who also attended the event. “Thank you for following the training well and being able to work together even though the team is from several elements, there are lecturers, students as well as Dharma Wanita. Show your best, hopefully you will get the best and FMIPA will win,” he said. The Dean and leaders of FMIPA fully support the team that will compete in the annual routine agenda of voice guidance between work units at the University of Jember.. Continue reading


Two FMIPA Alumni Share Work Experience and Entrepreneurship in Alumni Sharing

Hendra Setiawan alumni of Chemistry Department and Aldila Maya Yulandi alumni of Mathematics Department of FMIPA attended the Alumni Sharing to provide motivation to prospective graduates for period VIII of the 2022/2023 academic year (23/6). “Besides working, I also run several entrepreneurs, and even then I have changed jobs several times to get a higher salary, this is motivation for you that MIPA alumni can be in all lines of work and businesses,” said Hendra at the beginning of presentation. He also said that FMIPA alumni were flexible to be able to work in many fields, starting as analysts to banking.

“The FMIPA alumni can work anywhere, like me who has worked at a well-known music company, at a bank and finally in the pharmaceutical sector,” he said. Hendra also said that apart from working, he has been involved in several business ventures. The business is also not only one type, from food to car washing to pick up customers through the application. “The point is we have to be able to take advantage of opportunities carefully to make a profitable business,” he continued.. Continue reading


Two Students from Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UNEJ will compete at National Level ONMIPA-PT

Novian Rico Saputra and Masrurotul Alfiah, students of the University of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Chemistry will compete in Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Perguruan Tinggi (ONMIPA-PT) on June 13-17 2023 offline at Institut Teknologi Bandung. “ONMIPA is a prestigious event, the selection stages that must be passed require us to face tens of thousands of internal students, and thousands more selected students from all campuses at regional level,” said Novian Rico Saputra.

Rico said that this was the second time he had participated in a similar event at national level. Through the assistance of lecturer who work in synergy with the Department of Chemistry, it is hoped that they will get the best achievements in the national arena. “As an ONMIPA-PT delegate in the field of chemistry, I am very proud to be able to represent FMIPA University of Jember and will try to give the best achievement,” he hoped. It is known that the regional level ONMIPA-PT selection was held last June 13-17. Continue reading


Ian Jones from Australia, Present at FMIPA UNEJ to Explore Cooperation and Nostalgia

Ian Jones from Australia came back to the University of Jember FMIPA like a father visiting his child (7/6). “Year 1991 saw a new MIPA building being erected and now when it is back again it is truly amazing how fast it is developing,” joke Ian Jones who is a consultant for the establishment of MIPA from IDP (International Development Program). Together with colleagues from the University of Jember, Ian Jones discussed the establishment of MIPA, from the establishment plan to holding several workshop.

Present on the occasion was the Vice Rector III, University of Jember, Prof. Bambang Kuswandi, Former Rector of the University of Jember 2003-2011 Dr. T. Sutikto, Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Vice Deans, Chief Secretary of Department at FMIPA and old colleague Ian Jones who played a role in the founding of MIPA. “With developments like this, I am willing to facilitate MIPA with my former office,” said the man who really loves the natural beauty and culture of Indonesia. Continue reading


Early June 2023, FMIPA reopened the Canteen with a New Place and View

After experiencing suspended animation for some time, the FMIPA Canteen was reopened (5/6). “As of today, the FMIPA canteen is reopened with a new place and atmosphere,” said Purwatiningsih, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Vice Dean II FMIPA UNEJ in his remarks at the assembly Monday morning. The new canteen is on the east side of the FMIPA Mosque and the ORMAWA building. The canteen is made open so that air circulation is maintained. “On the side that is connected to the ORMAWA building, there is also a drink stall which is an extension of the previous room,” she continued.

At the beginning of opening, visitors who were dominated by students invaded the FMIPA Canteen which served a menu of dry/wet chicken noodles, instant noodles, glass noodles and meatballs. “The menu is friendly to our student pockets, moreover it’s clean and there are power plugs available,” said one of the student visitors. The FMIPA canteen also provides electrical sockets so that visitors can feel at home shopping while completing tasks with a laptop or charging their cell phone. Continue reading