Category Archives: News


CERiMRE Journal of Physics FMIPA Webinar with Mendeley Advisor

Journal of Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a Mendeley Webinar (3/11). Presenting Diky Zakaria, S.Pd., M.T. from UPI Karawang Campus. Diky, who is also a Mendeley Advisor, presented Penyusunan Referensi Artikel Ilmiah pada Jurnal CERiMRE dengan Software Mendeley. “As an initial stage, we first check, Mendeley installation, whether there is an account or not and Mendeley integration in Word,” explained Diky.

Diky explains the features and applies Mendeley to journal references. “Mendeley can display the metadata of a PDF file automatically, and that makes it easier to write references in journals,” said the lecturer of Prodi Mekatronika dan Kecerdasan Buatan, UPI. One of the PT. Rumah Publikasi Indonesia (RPI) also shows the integration of the Mendeley software with MS Word which the author usually uses. Continue reading


Open Booth UKM Robotika UNEJ Tarik Minat Mahasiswa FMIPA

UKM Robotika UNEJ held an Open Booth at Building I Mathematics FMIPA (31/10). Featured The LAGORI 2022 robots, wheeled soccer robot, search and rescue robots and thematic robot. Daniel Izzulhaq Elriyan, Head of UKM Robotika, said that through this activity, FMIPA UNEJ students, especially freshmen, got to know and grew interested in robots. “This open booth is an event to introduce the world of robots, and we UKM Robotika is ready to accommodate all of your interests,” at first.

Explained the function of each robot that performed on the occasion. The LAGORI 2022 robot is a robot prepared for the ABU Robocon International Event. “This robot is designed to take part in the selection of Kontes Robot ABU Indonesia (KRAI) with the LAGORI theme,” explained Daniel. No less interesting is the appearance of a wheeled soccer robot. This robot uses wheels and moves agilely like a soccer game in general. Continue reading


Head of PRTDRAN BRIN Invites FMIPA UNEJ Lecturers to Collaborate on Nuclear Energy Research

Head of Pusat Riset Teknologi Deteksi Radiasi dan Analisis Nuklir (PRTDRAN) BRIN, Dr. Abu Khalid Rivai, M.Eng. give a guest lecture at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (19/10). Abu Khalid invited lecturers to collaborate on research through BRIN as a bridge. “In BRIN there is ORTN, namely Organisasi Riset Tenaga Nuklir to optimize research in all regions in Indonesia,” he said.

Abu Khalid explained, ORTN itself is divided into 12 organizations in Indonesia, one example being Radiation Process Technology. Everything was revealed in the Guest Lecture of Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ with the theme Research Prospects and research work at PRTDRAN and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).. Continue reading


Wakil Rektor 1 UNEJ attended the launching of Bank Sampah Digital by PPK ORMAWA BEMF MIPA UNEJ Team

The PPK ORMAWA BEMF MIPA Team University of Jember held a grand launching of the E-Bank Waste and Maggot Production in Kesilir Village, Wuluhan, Jember (29/9). Precisely at Pondok Pesantren Darussalaam Yasinat, the team has successfully developed a digital-based waste e-bank. The event was attended by Wakil Rektor 1 UNEJ Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D., Warek 1 welcomes student programs that can touch and benefit the community.

“According to the theme Desa Kesilir Goes to Desa Bebas Sampah, it is hoped that the innovations of UNEJ students can be enjoyed by the community and of course have a good impact on the environment,” said Slamin. Present at the launching event, Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., Caretaker of Pesantren KH. Dimyathi Burhan and K. Imam Bazar Jauhari Burhan, Head of Kesilir Village, and Jember University Task Force Team. Continue reading


Director of PTPN XII East Java: Quo Vadis, a Physics graduate, want and can go anywhere?

The Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember has a golden opportunity to hold a Guest Lecture that presents Siwi Peni, S.Si., M.M. Director of PT. Nusantara XII Plantation, East Java (16/9). Guest lecture with the theme “Quo Vadis, a Physics graduate, want and can go anywhere?” carried out in 2 sessions, namely a sharing session and a question session.

To note, “Quo Vadis” is a sentence from Latin which literally means “where are you going?”. This theme was taken to provide motivation for students in determining their direction after completing their studies in Physics. In the sharing session, Siwi Peni shared her experience in achieving her goals until she was finally able to stand at her current point. “Aspirations and goals are very important in achieving success. Without clear goals and objectives, success will not be achieved,” he explained. Continue reading


The Beginning of a New Adventure for a Bright Future for MABA FMIPA UNEJ 2022

Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. welcomes the presence of new students of FMIPA UNEJ for the 2022/2022 academic year on the FMIPA basketball court (15/8). In front of the 368 new students of FMIPA, the Dean advised students to be able to prepare themselves for a new adventure, namely the world of lectures. “Prepare yourself, because next week we will immediately carry out lectures after the week we will be introduced to UNEJ and FMIPA,” he said. New students of FMIPA in particular and UNEJ will generally receive PKKMB material in predetermined classes or groups. The Dean also hopes that students will also actively participate in lectures and follow developing information, especially regarding scholarships. “In the beginning there was KIP, in the future there will be many scholarships offered, look at and get these scholarships,” he said. The reception ended with the introduction of officials from the Dean, Study Program and Administration at FMIPA UNEJ. The Dean started the introductions from Vice Dean I, Vice Dean II, Vice Dean III, Head of Study Programs for Bachelors of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Masters of Physics, ending with the introduction of Koordinator Kelompok Kerja Tata Usaha and 3 Wakil Koordinator. On August 17 tomorrow, it is mandatory to take part in the Flag Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day. At the end of the series of introductions to the UNEJ campus, a healthy walk and inauguration of the closing of the PKKMB will be held. “The beginning of a new adventure is in sight, immediately prepare to achieve a bright future” concluded the Dean of FMIPA encouraging new students. Continue reading