
HIMAFI FMIPA UNEJ Team Passes Funding for the 2024 ORMAWA PPK Program

The Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika (HIMAFI) Team of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences passed funding for the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK ORMAWA) in 2024. Together with 19 other subproposals, HIMAFI delivered the University of Jember to first place together with the Bogor Agricultural Institute. With the theme “SMART FARMING: Rumah Pengering Kopi Berbasis Solar Cell dan Kincir Angin Guna Optimalisasi Produksi Kopi di Desa Pace Kec. Silo Kab. Jember“, the HIMAFI Team together with 622 subproposal titles from 158 universities received funding.

The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program is aimed at developing competent knowledge mastery, character and noble character, love of the country, global insight, critical thinking skills, creative thinking, collaboration, good communication skills. reliable (communication skills), digitally literate, and humanist or loving others (compassion). Participants involved include Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM), Unit Kegiatan Mahasiawa (UKM), Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi (HMPS), and other forms of ORMAWA. Continue reading


Chemistry Department FMIPA UNEJ Will Hold the 6th IC2MS in 2024

The Chemistry Department of FMIPA UNEJ will hold the 2024 International Conference on Chemistry and Material Sciences (IC2MS) in collaboration with Brawijaya University, Malang State University, and Universiti Teknologi Mara. The seminar will be held on September 25–26, 2024, with the theme “Sustainable Chemistry and Material Sciences for a Better Life.” Located in the Soetardjo Building, Jember University presented keynote speakers from abroad and within the country. Prof. Spas D Kolev from Australia, Prof. Ts Dr.-Ing. Oskar Hasdinor Hassan from Malaysia, Prof. Yun-Hi Kim from Korea, Dr. Verawat Champreda from Thailand, Prof. Brian Yuliarto from ITB, and Prof. Bambang Kuswandi as host of Jember University.

There are 10 invited speakers who will attend the 6th IC2MS 2024. Dr.Sc. Lukman Hakim from UB, Prof. Surjani Wonorahardjo from UM, Dr. Nooraini Ahmad and Dr. Umi Marshida Abd. Hamid from Malaysia, Prof. Seung-Ryeong Kwon, Prof. Juyeong Kim, and Yoon Seok Min, Ph.D. from Korea, Eko Setio Wibowo, Ph.D. from BRIN, Dr. Anton Prasetyo from UIN MMI Malang and Prof. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi as representative of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ. Apart from the seminar, IC2MS will hold a workshop with the theme “Exploring Chemical Space with DataWarrior: Unveiling the Universe of Molecular Possibilities“. Continue reading


Guest Lecture at the FMIPA Chemistry Department Presented Ari Setyono, Pertamina Offshore Pipeline Practitioner

The Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a guest lecture presenting Ir. Ari Setyono, Pertamina offshore pipeline practitioner (17/5). Ari has experience working for several large oil companies overseas as a pipeline engineer. “The material will be more about my personal experience when working abroad; we can compete with foreign workers in the fields we are good at,” said the ITS Mechanical Engineering alumnus. We are told about installation techniques and pipe maintenance, which involve chemistry, namely corrosion. “At the beginning, I will introduce pipe installation techniques, and later, the part that will be interesting for chemistry students is about corrosion,” he continued.

Ari explained in general how the pipe is located on the seabed, how to install it, and how to maintain the stability of the pipe by having to know about soil studies, soil compression, and the process when approaching the beach. “Apart from installation, we must also pay attention to pipe protection from other elements, such as shipping lanes and port areas with lots of anchors that could endanger the pipe route,” he explained. Protection related to chemistry, namely corrosion, is discussed, including the form of loss and the rate of corrosion. The discussion was interesting because, in chemistry, there was a course that dissected corrosion. Through this guest lecture, it can attract interest so that there will be a return to the corrosion chemistry course. Continue reading


100th Undergraduate and 73rd Postgraduate Judiciary FMIPA UNEJ 10 Academic Year Period 2023/2024

FMIPA UNEJ held the 100th Undergraduate (S1) and 73rd Postgraduate (S2) Judicial Conference at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, for the 10 Academic Year Period 2023-2024 (16/5). 40 prospective female graduates attended the open meeting of the FMIPA senate in the public lecture room of the FMIPA Biology Department. Led and opened directly by the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., the procession took place solemnly. In his graduation speech, the dean congratulated the graduates. “On behalf of the institution, I would like to convey my congratulations on graduation and for the achievements of at least 4 years in completing studies at FMIPA UNEJ,” began the Dean of FMIPA. It is also said that the knowledge gained will be a provision for life in this world and the hereafter.

“As the Prophet said, if you want to be successful in this world and the hereafter then gain as much knowledge as possible, just like if you go to war the main weapon is knowledge,” he continued. It was also said that a bachelor’s degree is not the end of the story, it is actually a challenge to no longer burden parents. Prof. Dafik invited the graduates to become independent people without any more complaints from them. “So the competency standards provided to you are sufficient to be a provision for navigating the ark of life in the future,” said the Dean who was accompanied by the Vice Deans and the FMIPA UNEJ Senate at the senate session. Continue reading


PPKS UNEJ Task Force Holds Road Show at FMIPA, Socializes Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Program

Satuan Tugas (Satgas) Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual (PPKS) at Jember University held a road show to all UNEJ work units. One of them is FMIPA, the socialization of the Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual (PPKS) was carried out on the 3rd floor of the Mathematics Department building (14/5). Present from the PPKS task force, Adeharda Boru Sibasopait, S.S., M.M., and Dr. Rokhani, S.P., M.Si., accompanied by Deputy Dean II FMIPA UNEJ Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. which also opened the road show. At the beginning of socialization, the definition of sexual violence was explained. “Sexual violence is an act of humiliating, insulting, harassing, and/or attacking a person’s body and/or reproductive function due to unequal power and/or gender relations,” explained Dr. Rokhani.

Continuing, violence will result in or can result in psychological and/or physical suffering, including disrupting a person’s reproductive health and loss of opportunities to pursue higher education. Forms of sexual violence are explained, from speech to punishments that have sexual nuances. It also explains the types of sexual violence that often occur but are less recognized. “The types of sexual violence that we must understand include verbal, physical, non-physical and in the current era, through ICT,” she said in front of participants from the FMIPA UNEJ academic community. Continue reading


Guest Lecture, Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UNEJ Presents Prof. V. Swaminathan from India

Mathematics Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a guest lecture with the theme “Social and Biological Networks Analysis using Hypergraph” in the International Lecture Room (13/5). As a resource person, Prof. Dr. V. Swaminathan from the Faculty of Mathematics, School of Arts, Sciences, Humanities, and Education, SASTRA, is deemed to be a university in Thanjavur, India. Present at the Guest Lecture: Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems UNEJ, accompanied by the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. In opening the event, Prof. Bambang invited all participants to take part in the event and be able to discuss more about Hypergraph.

“Guest Lecture participants can discuss a lot with Prof. Swaminathan to gain new knowledge according to the theme, and UNEJ and his institution will collaborate in the future,” said Vice Chancellor IV while opening the event. Previously, the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dafik, expressed his gratitude for the support of the UNEJ rectorate at the Guest Lecture event and for offline and online participants being able to follow and interact with the speakers. “Thank you for the support of Prof. Bambang, the head of UNEJ, who supports this activity, and Prof. Swaminathan, who took the time to share knowledge with us at this guest lecture,” said Prof. Dafik. Continue reading