
Three UNEJ FMIPA Students Become National Level ONMIPA-PT Finalists in 2024

Three students from the MIPA Faculty of Jember University successfully passed the regional level selection and were entitled to become finalists in the Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (ONMIPA-PT) 2024. They consisted of Ragil Wahyu Utomo from the Biology Department, FMIPA, Masrurotul Alfiah, and Novian Rico Saputra from the Chemistry Department, FMIPA. National-level ONMIPA-PT activities will be held offline from May 12 to 17, 2024, at Hasanuddin University, Makassar. “It is an honor for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the University of Jember to be able to send representatives to compete in prestigious student events at the national level,” said Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si. PIC ONMIPA-PT University of Jember and Vice Dean III FMIPA UNEJ.

Previously, 20 University of Jember students from FMIPA, FKIP, and the Faculty of Medicine took part in the regional-level selection on April 24–25. Located in Mathematics Laboratory 1 and 2, FMIPA UNEJ Mathematics Department, UNEJ delegates took part in online selection according to the fields being competed in, namely mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry. “The Jember University delegation are the best students who we have selected at the university level and were given intensive assistance before taking part in the regional level selection,” he continued.. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Internal Workshop Presents Prof. Amin Setyo Laksono from Brawijaya University

In an effort to ensure the quality of education at the Program Studi (PS) and Unit Pengelola Program Studi (UPPS) levels, FMIPA UNEJ held an internal workshop at FMIPA UNEJ in the Ecology R. Biology Department, FMIPA (3/5). Present as a resource person was Prof. Amin Setyo Laksono, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., from Brawijaya University Malang. Taking the theme “Kiat Praktis Menjamin Keunggulan dan Rekognisi PS dalam Penyelenggaraan Tri Dharma PT di Level Internasional”  the workshop was attended by the Head of Department, Secretary of Department, Study Program Coordinator, and 5 representative lecturers for each study program at FMIPA UNEJ. Prof. Amin was accompanied by Deputy Dean of FMIPA, Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the event moderator.

In his presentation, Prof. Amin explained the legal basis that is used as a reference for accreditation and why there is now conditional accreditation status. “Now, there is a conditional status to provide evaluation results that do not harm the study program and also to give the study program the opportunity to make improvements,” he initially said. It is also necessary to understand the assessment matrix and also know the weighting of items in order to know the highest points that can be achieved. “You can pay attention to the points and weights in service research as well as our student publications, also in the LKPS section,” said Prof. Amin is also the Head of Biology Masters Study Program, FMIPA, Brawijaya University, Malang. Continue reading


Five PKM-RE Teams from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember Passed PKM Funding in 2024

Five Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) Teams from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Jember University will receive funding in 2024. The teams from the Department of Chemistry and Biology took part in the PKM Research and Exacts (PKM-RE) field. The five are entitled to receive funding of between 7-9 juta rupiah and must produce output in the form of progress reports, final reports, scientific articles, and social media accounts. “They will prepare progress reports up to the final report for later assessment and announcement of the 2024 PKM Award winners next August,” said Dr. M. Reza, a lecturer in the Chemistry Department who is also one of the supervisors of the PKM FMIPA UNEJ team.

It is hoped that the efforts of the PKM FMIPA UNEJ team will produce the best results so that they can qualify for the 37th Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS), which will be held on October 16-22, 2024, at Airlangga University, Surabaya. This hope is very big because PKM supports the achievement of Main Performance Indicators (IK) for higher education institutions, and for students, it can be converted into credits and/or SKPI recognition. This conversion has been regulated, and universities have the freedom to determine the number of credit conversions and courses according to the PKM field being followed. Continue reading


Guest Lecture of Biology Department, FMIPA UNEJ Presents Two Professors from Germany

The Department of Biology, FMIPA UNEJ, held a guest lecture related to biomedicine and machine learning (25/4). Two professors from Germany were present, namely Prof. Dr. Thiru. Velavan from Universitätsklinikum Tübingen and Prof. Dr. Claus-Thomas Bock of the Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin. The guest lecture was opened directly by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. Followed by the presentation of souvenirs from FMIPA to the two professors from Germany. Next, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Kartika Senjarini, S.Si., M.Si., introduces the two processors as collaborators on the Global PACE-UP project, Expert Seminar. The guest lecture session was moderated by Dr.rer.nat. Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si., M.Sc., by inviting Prof. Velavan to start the first speech session.

Prof. Velava presented for one hour two main topics, namely research on the inventory of mosquitoes as carriers of arboviruses with the title “Spatial and temporal distribution of vectors and associated arboviruses in Vietnam” and material from Tran Duc Khan regarding artificial intelligence for mosquito identification with the title “Mosquito Identification using Deep Learning and Multispectral Aerial Imagery Dataset for Water Body Detection.” Prof. Velavan touched on many types of mosquitoes in Vietnam and pointed out that the types of mosquitoes found in subtropical areas or the northern side of Vietnam are different from the types often found in the southern region of Vietnam, which has a tropical climate. Continue reading


99th Judiciary of Bachelor of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University Period 9 Academic Year 2023/2024

FMIPA UNEJ again held the 99th Judicial Session of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Period 9 Academic Year 2023/2024 (25/4). 19 prospective graduates attended the open meeting of the FMIPA senate in the public lecture room of the FMIPA Biology Department. Led and opened directly by the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., the procession took place solemnly. In his judicial speech, the dean congratulated him and advised him to always remember the services of his parents. “Because of their services, now you are a graduate candidate, so make them happy; invite them to feel happy tomorrow when they graduate,” began the dean. It was also said that after graduation tomorrow, the graduates will enter the real-world community.

“That’s where persistence and toughness will be tested; if you still depend on your parents, then the education you have received so far has not been fully achieved,” he continued. So a transfer of skills is needed-a skill that can be transformed to face any challenge. Prof. Dafik said the key is not to complain easily and not to give up easily. “There is a lot that can be achieved; FMIPA alumni have flexibility because they have been equipped with basic sciences that can be adapted to various fields of work,” said the dean, who was accompanied by the Vice Deans at the senate meeting. Continue reading


20 UNEJ Students take part in the 2024 ONMIPA-PT Regional Level Selection at FMIPA University of Jember

Located in Mathematics Laboratory 1 and 2, Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UNEJ, regional-level selection was held for the Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (ONMIPA-PT) 2024 (24–25/4). “20 of our students from FMIPA, FKIP, and FK are fighting to get a place to compete at the national level at Hasanuddin University in May 2024,” said Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si. PIC ONMIPA-PT UNEJ, and Vice Dean III FMIPA UNEJ. UNEJ delegates took part in online selection according to the fields being contested, namely mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry. “For readiness, system testing and tryouts were previously carried out on April 18-19,” he continued.

According to Abduh Riski, S.Si., M.Si, as the supervisor of the ONMIPA-PT UNEJ delegation, the participants who took part in the regional-level selection were the results of the selection on March 8. “These twenty participants are the result of university-level selection carried out previously at the UNEJ entrepreneurship building and then took part in intensive coaching on March 25–31,” he explained. It was also announced that five students per field would take part in the selection for two days online. Support was also provided by the UNEJ student affairs department by procuring equipment and UPA TIK via a capable internet network for this selection activity. Continue reading