
FMIPA Biology Student Association Successfully Holds Biological Science Day (BSD) XIV 2023 Annual Competition

The Biology Student Association or HIMABIO Bacteriophage Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ once again successfully held Biological Science Day (BSD). Biological Science Day (BSD) is regularly held by the HIMABIO Bacteriophage Biology Department to develop high school/MA students and biology students to be more competitive and have integrity and to train their ability to compete in a healthy manner. “BSD attracts the interest of high school/MA students and college students to better understand biological science and its application at the national level,” said the BSD XIV Committee.

The theme raised in 2023 is “Inovasi dan Aktualisasi Peran Generasi Z guna Mewujudkan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Era Society 5.0 melalui Perkembangan Ilmu Biologi meliputi Konservasi dan Perubahan Iklim” BSD has received attention from a wide audience, including participants from various regions. “For participants from various regions, seen from the Olympic finalists spread from Java and Bali, even this year there are some from Kalimantan,” continued the BSD XIV Committee. The final round event, which took place in the FMIPA UNEJ Biology building, was lively, with prizes winning a total of up to 9 million rupiah. Continue reading


Interim Audit for Faculty MIPA University of Jember Assets by a Public Accounting Consultant

The Faculty MIPA is part of the work unit at the University of Jember, which is ready to undergo an interim audit by Public Accounting Consultants Luthfy Muhammad and Partners (2/11). Together with BMN UNEJ staff, officers from KAP at the beginning of the agenda carried out an audit of inventory items (ATK) in the FMIPA dean building and four study programs. “The aim is to see how the goods purchasing system works until it is distributed to users,” said a companion from BMN UNEJ. KAP carries out sampling on several items that have been recorded in the inventory application. The BMN FMIPA team, especially supplies, has prepared this data so that the inspection takes place quickly and smoothly.

Accompanied by Kepala Bagian Umum FMIPA dan Wakil Koordinator Bidang Umum dan Barang Milik Negara FMIPA, the KAP team next looked at how state property assets (BMN) are recorded. “We record all BMN assets at FMIPA in the SIMAK BMN application in accordance with the directions and procedures set by the university,” said Wakor Bidang Umum dan BMN FMIPA. The KAP team examines everything from planning, procurement, and purchasing to the placement of state-owned goods. The data must match the SIMAK application with the actual condition of the goods. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Alumni Sharing: The Importance of Communication and Self-Preparation, the Foundation for Successful Work and Further Study

Communication and self-preparation are the most important foundations that prospective graduates must understand and apply when working or continuing their studies. This was revealed at the alumni sharing event for periods V and VI of the 2023–2024 academic year (27/10). Presenting two alumni, Rofiki Fahim, S.Si., alumni of the Physics Department in 2019, who now work as physics teachers at MA Unggulan Nuris Jember as well as Naib Mudir staff at Ma’had Aly Nurul Islam Jember, and alumni of the Chemistry Department in 2013, Miranti Puspitasari, S.Si., M.Si., who is now QC staff at PT. Gading Mas Indonesia Teguh (GMIT).

“Now is the time for prospective graduates to establish themselves to continue working or studying, and they must prepare themselves as best as possible,” began Rofiki Fahim. He also explained the choice to work through careful consideration and, of course, preparing yourself to be able to compete for work. This man, who likes exact lessons, said that his love of physics has led him to now work as a physics teacher. “Even since high school, I have indirectly prepared myself with the knowledge that I am pursuing to be able to work in that field, namely physics,” he continued. Continue reading


Preparing to Achieve Unggul Accreditation from LAMSAMA, FST UNDANA Chemistry Study Program Comparative Study to FMIPA UNEJ Chemistry Study Program

The Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University received study visit from the Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang (26/10). The aim of the visit was to obtain information on the LAMSAMA Study Program accreditation. “We came to learn how to achieve superior accreditation because currently our study program is in the process of preparing to apply for re-accreditation in June 2024,” said Prof. Dr. Febri Odel Nitbai, S.Si., M.Si., as Coordinator of the UNDANA FST Chemistry Study Program. Prof. Febri hopes that the FMIPA Chemistry Study Program can transmit and provide the information needed to become a Superior Accredited Study Program.

The team from UNDANA was received by the Dean of FMIPA at UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., who is also a lecturer in the Chemistry Study Program. Accompanied by Deputy Dean I FMIPA Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., Head of Chemistry Study Program, Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, S.Si., M.Si., warmly welcomed the arrival of the team to share accreditation information with each other. “Welcome! We present the complete formation of the FMIPA Chemistry Accreditation Team, which has successfully achieved superior accreditation. We will discuss it together, and hopefully the hopes of the UNDANA Chemistry Study Program can be achieved,” said the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ. Continue reading


KeRis GA Mathematics FMIPA Public Lecture, Information Systems Security: Cryptography and Graph Labeling

The Graph and Algebra (GA) Research Group, Mathematics Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a public lecture with resource person Prof. Dr. I Wayan Sudarsana from Tadulako University (19/10). Raising the theme of Information Systems Security: Cryptography and Graphic Labeling, Prof. Wayan started his public lecture by talking about security that is often encountered in everyday life. “You all must often make transactions at the bank, and that requires the security of special information such as a pin or token. This security process is usually known as encryption, which contains cryptography in it,” began Prof. Wayan.

Previously, Chairman of KeRis Dr. Kristiana Wijaya expressed her great appreciation to Prof. Dr. I Wayan Sudarsana, who was pleased to give a public lecture. “KeRiS GA and I express our high appreciation amidst his busy agenda at one of the universities in Jember. Prof. Wayan is pleased to give a public lecture for mathematics students,” said Dr. Kristiana. There were also lecturers in the Mathematics Department, especially members of KeRiS GA and the Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Network Topology (CGANT) team led directly by Prof. Dafik. Continue reading


Transgenerational Educational Tourism, Dharma Wanita Persatuan of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University, held an intergenerational educational tour to several destinations on October 15, 2023. “Religion is there, tourism is there, and the most important thing is friendship between generations of DWP FMIPA UNEJ administrators and members,” said Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah, Chair of DWP FMIPA UNEJ. Several destinations are in Malang Regency and Batu City, including the Turen Mosque, Leswan Leather, which is a leather bag and wallet factory, Santerra de Laponte, and Lumbung Strawberry. “And of course, don’t forget to mention that there is a souvenir center to make your family happy at home,” she continued.

This event could be said to be special because several former DWP administrators and members took part in the educational tour. Mrs. Sumadi (wife of the first Dean of FMIPA UNEJ) and Mrs. Sudarmadji were seen together to maintain friendly relations. “Several female lecturers and educational staff also came along to experience a moment of refreshing between routines on campus,” said Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah. Several DWP FMIPA UNEJ members held this agenda as a place to strengthen ties between the FMIPA extended family and also as a place to learn about businesses that could be included in the DWP FMIPA UNEJ program. Continue reading