
Sad News Dian Anggraeni, S.Si., M.Si., Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UNEJ

Has passed away to Rahmatullah Dian Anggraeni, S.Si., M.Si. Lecturer in the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember on Saturday, August 12 2023. The deceased joined Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences since 2006. An alumnus of the University of Brawijaya (S1) and the Ten November Institute of Technology (S2) taught statistics while serving as a lecturer. The deceased left a husband and two sons.

“On behalf of the FMIPA University of Jember, we express our deepest condolences for passed away of our colleague Ms. Dian Anggraeni. We hope that the deceased will receive the best blessings from Allah and the family will be given fortitude,” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Deputy Dean I FMIPA at the release of the body. The academic community and FMIPA students were present who escorted the deceased to his final resting place. Continue reading


20 Biology Students from FMIPA Participated in Student Exchange, Study Visit and Community Service in Germany

The Head of the Biology Department, FMIPA UNEJ, together with the Academic Advisor Lecturer, released 20 Biology Undergraduate Study Program students who would take part in the Student Exchange in Germany. 5 7th semester students will take part in the 2023 Summer School program and 15 students consisting of 5th and 7th semester students will take part in the 2023 Study Visit program in Germany. ” Summer School activities will be carried out by students for 1 full month, from 1 to 31 August 2023,” said Dr. Retno Wimbaningrum, Head of the Biology Department, FMIPA..

While the Study Visit activities will last for more than two weeks, from 11 to 27 August 2023. These two activities are supported by two different funding sources, the Summer School is funded by the KA171 Erasmus+ Program Project while the Study Visit is funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Project through project IDE: 37686067. “This Summer School and Study Visit activity will later be integrated with MBKM activities abroad with a credit transfer scheme ,” he continued. Continue reading


UNEJ FMIPA Alumni Sharing: Prepare Yourself After Graduation, Office Work or Entrepreneurship?

Shandiputra Budhi Perdana, S.Si. alumni of the Mathematics Department class of 2007 and Fatmawati, S.Si. alumni of the Biology Department class of 2004 attended the Alumni Sharing to provide motivation to prospective graduates for period I of the 2023/2024 academic year (4/8). “Before starting my own business, I was also an office worker at a bank and an insurance company,” said Shandi at the beginning of the presentation of Too Mad To Math material . He also said that FMIPA alumni were flexible to be able to work in many fields, and started thinking about goals after graduation.

“To start something requires courage, and if you want to develop it you need knowledge,” he said. Shandi also said that after leaving the office, he started entrepreneurship related to plants. “The first entrepreneurship I was involved in was a plant, how come it was so far from mathematics? yes, but knowledge can be sought and supported by the courage to start,” continued Shandi at the event which was held in the General Room of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ in a hybrid manner. Continue reading


FMIPA Biology Masters Study Program Prepares LAMSAMA Accreditation Forms and National Standards

The Biology Masters Study Program FMIPA UNEJ held a FGD for Preparation of Accreditation Forms (LKPS and LED) for the LAMSAMA-Based National Standard Biology Masters Study Program (SN-Dikti) at Kalibaru Cottages Banyuwangi (28-30/7). The agenda includes the presentation of speakers related to LAMSAMA accreditation as well as discussing the preparation and filling out of the LKPS and LEDPS documents. “Hopefully in the next few days we can produce the best with the formation of a task force for compiling accreditation documents,” said Dr. Asmoro Lelono as Coordinator of the Biology Masters Study Program FMIPA on the sidelines of the FGD.

Present at the FGD Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. who delivered a presentation on the Strategic Plan and Business Plan of FMIPA University of Jember. “By seeing the enthusiasm of the task force team, hopefully the wish of the Biology Masters Study Program to achieve superior accreditation from LAMSAMA can be achieved, moreover there is an injection of news that the Bachelor of Biology Study Program has been accredited internationally by ASIIN in June 2023, Congratulations and success for the team,” said the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ. Accompanying the Deputy Dean II of FMIPA as well as Deputy Dean III of FMIPA with the UNEJ FMIPA GPM Team..

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Journal of MIMS, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Accredited by SINTA 3

Congratulations and success for the MIMS journal in obtaining SINTA 3 accreditation from the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology which has been waiting for some time,” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Deputy Dean I FMIPA UNEJ as well as Head of the Jember University OJS Team (31/7). MIMS is an old journal that was previously accredited by SINTA 4 and was also able to achieve the DOAJ index in April 2023. “MIMS is an old journal that already has many articles, with the achievement of SINTA 3 and also DOAJ, more and more writers are interested in submitting to MIMS,” continued Siswoyo.

MIMS is an acronym for the Scientific Mathematics and Statistics Magazine managed by the Department of Mathematics, FMIPA University of Jember. It has published a print edition since 2000 and has an online version since 2020. MIMS, led by Dr. Kristiana Wijaya as the Editor-in-chief , has prepared the SINTA re-accreditation process through finalizing the requirements from ARJUNA and first obtaining DOAJ to add assessment points. Continue reading


Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ won ASIIN International Accreditation

After going through the assessment process since it was submitted in December 2022, the Undergraduate Program in Biology FMIPA UNEJ won International Accreditation from the Accrediterungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN. “We express our gratitude for the achievement of accreditation from ASIIN, after preparing and waiting for this happy news to finally come,” said Dr. Retno Wimbaningrum Head of Biology Study Program FMIPA..

ASIIN Accreditation for Biology Study Program FMIPA conforms to Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework for Life-long Learning (EQF LLL) . Accreditation Letter signed by Dr. Iring Wasser as the Managing Director who was present at ASIIN’s visitation some time ago. The Head of the Biology Study Program hopes that ASIIN’s accreditation achievements can spread to all FMIPA study programs and also become an encouragement for the Biology Masters Study Program which is in the process of being re-accredited. “The ASIIN accreditation obtained will increase our enthusiasm and the re-accreditation team for the master of biology study program to achieve superior accreditation, hopefully,” he hoped. Continue reading