Tag Archives: chemistry


Many Surprises from the Chemistry Department of FMIPA at the Retirement Event of Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D.

The Chemistry Department at FMIPA UNEJ surprised Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ for the 2020-2024 term, during his retirement event. The ceremony was held in the Chemistry Department’s lecture hall, and several FMIPA leaders attended the surprise. Dean Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., and the Vice Deans thanked Mr. Sjaifullah for his dedication to FMIPA. Prof. Dafik also wished him good health and hoped his knowledge would be a lasting blessing.

Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, S.Si., M.Si., Head of the Chemistry Department, shared that Mr. Sjaifullah retired happily and hoped their relationship would remain strong. Also present were his colleagues from the early days of FMIPA, like Mr. Neran, who also retired earlier. Several Chemistry faculty members took turns sharing their thoughts and experiences with Mr. Sjaifullah. The ceremony started with a beautiful Banyuwangi dance, a tradition from Mr. Sjaifullah’s home region, performed by Chemistry students. Continue reading


Chemistry Lecturer Ana Yulvia Introduces SpectraHub, an Integrated Digital Platform for Spectroscopy Learning at FMIPA UNEJ

To improve the quality of spectroscopy learning at FMIPA University of Jember, Ana Yulvia, M.Si., a chemistry lecturer, successfully developed SpectraHub. It is a digital platform designed to make it easier for students and lecturers to access spectroscopy materials. Ana came up with the idea for SpectraHub after observing and analyzing the needs of students, especially in the course Penentuan Struktur Senyawa Organik. “I noticed that many learning resources for spectroscopy were scattered across various media without a central location,” she explained.

According to Ana, the lack of a centralized platform made it difficult for students to easily access materials, which were often only available in text or static PDFs. This platform is part of Ana’s effort following basic civil servant training that she attended from September 10 to November 16, 2024. It reflects the values of the ASN  BerAKHLAK framework, particularly focusing on service orientation and accountability in her role as an educator. Continue reading


Prof. Krishna Persaud from The University of Manchester visits FMIPA, University of Jember

FMIPA Universitas Jember received a visit from Prof. Krishna Persaud, Ph.D., from The University of Manchester (28/10). Accompanied by Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, UNEJ, they met with the Head of Deanship and Head of the FMIPA Department. “Prof. Krishna is present at UNEJ, especially FMIPA, to share his research experience, and we have the opportunity to join him,” began Prof. Bambang’s speech while officially opening the discussion event. The University of Manchester is a merger of Victoria University of Manchester and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST).

“He has done a lot of research in several countries, both in Europe and Asia, and I hope UNEJ, in this case FMIPA, can join in his research,” continued Prof. Bambang. A similar thing was also conveyed by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., who welcomed the arrival of Prof. Krishna to encourage FMIPA lecturers to do joint research. “Prof. Krishna has a very good track record, as can be seen from his Scopus, so I invite lecturers to join in his research,” invited Prof. Dafik, who is also an alumnus of UMIST. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Holds The Second International Basic Science Conference (IBSC) 2024

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, held the Second International Basic Science Conference, or IBSC 2024 (8/10). Held in the 3rd floor of the UNEJ Entrepreneurship Building, this year the theme was “AI at the Frontier of Natural Sciences: Trends and Future Directions.” Presenting keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Ismail Naci CANGÃœL from Bursa Uludag University, Turkey; Dr. S. Stalin from SASTRA Deemed to be University, India; Prof. Dr. Ing. Hendro Wicaksono from Constructor University Bremen gGmbH, Germany; and Dr. M. Kamaraj from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India. The 2nd IBSC 2024 was held in a hybrid manner, attended by 53 participants, and Dr. M. Kamaraj from India was present at UNEJ to provide material.

The 2nd IBSC 2024 was officially opened by Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector of UNEJ for planning, cooperation, and information systems. In his speech, Prof. Bambang said that IBSC is a conference to disseminate knowledge, interact with experts, and strengthen professional networks. “IBSC is a forum for discussion and sharing to support the advancement of science and technology,” he said. It is hoped that the output of the conference discussing the theme of artificial intelligence will be able to make natural science the forefront of future trends and directions of research. Continue reading


Chemistry FMIPA UNEJ Holds 6th International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science (IC2MS) 2024

The Chemistry Department of FMIPA UNEJ held the International Conference on Chemistry and Material Sciences (IC2MS) 2024 in collaboration with Brawijaya University, Malang State University, and Mara Technology University (25-26/9). The theme raised was “Sustainable Chemistry and Material Sciences for a Better Life.” Taking place at the Soetardjo Building, Jember University presented keynote speakers from abroad and within the country. Prof. Spas D Kolev from Australia, Prof. Ts Dr.-Ing. Oskar Hasdinor Hassan from Malaysia, Prof. Yun-Hi Kim from Korea, Dr. Verawat Champreda from Thailand, Prof. Brian Yuliarto from Taking place at and Prof. Bambang Kuswandi as the host of Jember University.

The 6th IC2MS 2024 also presents 10 invited speakers, namely Dr.Sc. Lukman Hakim from UB, Prof. Surjani Wonorahardjo from UM, Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Noraini Ahmad and Dr. Umi Marshida Abd. from Korea, Eko Setio Wibowo, Ph.D. from BRIN, Dr. Anton Prasetyo from UIN MMI Malang, and Prof. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, representative of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ. In addition to the seminar, the 6th IC2MS 2024 held a workshop with the theme “Exploring Chemical Space with DataWarrior: Unveiling the Universe of Molecular Possibilities.”.
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Guest Lecture at the FMIPA Chemistry Department Presented Ari Setyono, Pertamina Offshore Pipeline Practitioner

The Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a guest lecture presenting Ir. Ari Setyono, Pertamina offshore pipeline practitioner (17/5). Ari has experience working for several large oil companies overseas as a pipeline engineer. “The material will be more about my personal experience when working abroad; we can compete with foreign workers in the fields we are good at,” said the ITS Mechanical Engineering alumnus. We are told about installation techniques and pipe maintenance, which involve chemistry, namely corrosion. “At the beginning, I will introduce pipe installation techniques, and later, the part that will be interesting for chemistry students is about corrosion,” he continued.

Ari explained in general how the pipe is located on the seabed, how to install it, and how to maintain the stability of the pipe by having to know about soil studies, soil compression, and the process when approaching the beach. “Apart from installation, we must also pay attention to pipe protection from other elements, such as shipping lanes and port areas with lots of anchors that could endanger the pipe route,” he explained. Protection related to chemistry, namely corrosion, is discussed, including the form of loss and the rate of corrosion. The discussion was interesting because, in chemistry, there was a course that dissected corrosion. Through this guest lecture, it can attract interest so that there will be a return to the corrosion chemistry course. Continue reading