Tag Archives: jember


FMIPA UNEJ Team Enlivens TAJEMTRA 2024: Introducing FMIPA to Berkreasi dan Berinovasi

TAJEMTRA 2024 was held again, a traditional event routinely held by the Jember Regency Government every year, becoming a routine agenda item of the FMIPA UNEJ team participating in TAJEMTRA. Consisting of FMIPA education staff, the team took part in a 30-kilometer walking activity from Tanggul to Jember on August 31 yesterday. This year, by unfurling a banner that read FMIPA UNEJ Berkreasi dan Berinovasi, they wanted to introduce FMIPA UNEJ to the outside community. “In addition to exercising, the FMIPA team has a vision to reintroduce FMIPA UNEJ to the Jember community, a warehouse of young scientist candidates,” said one of the participants.

The challenging 30-kilometer route did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants. Starting from Tanggul and finishing at Alun-Alun Jember, the FMIPA UNEJ team passed through various beautiful rural scenery. Along the route, local residents were also enthusiastic about providing support by providing drinking water and cheering. “Not only FMIPA, there are several teams from faculties at UNEJ who also routinely take part in TAJEMTRA; we have met several times, and we are very happy to be able to participate again,” he continued. The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., supported the team’s participation by advising them to participate in an orderly manner and enliven TAJEMTRA 2024 with the FMIPA Berkeasi dan Berinovasi cheer. Continue reading


The FMIPA Geophysics Lecturer Team, in collaboration with LP2M UNEJ, will Collaborate with the Regent of Jember to Educate the Community about Rembangan Landslide Disaster Mitigation.

The FMIPA Geophysics Lecturer Team, together with the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) UNEJ, took part in Gelar Logistik dan Peralatan Serta Peresmian Tanda Edukasi Pendidikan Bencana (4/12). On this occasion, Jember Regent Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto, ST., IPU, ASEAN Eng., along with the ranks of the Jember Regency Government, are committed to establishing a collaboration with LP2M UNEJ and the FMIPA Geophysics Team. This is a proactive effort to increase community awareness and preparedness for landslide disaster mitigation. The event at Jember Square held several strategic activities, including the launch of a disaster education tent, the inauguration of the Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana), the formation of the Kelompok Tangguh Bencana (Katana), reforestation, Wira Karya Week, and increasing volunteer capacity.

In this activity, the Puslit Lingkungan Hidup dan Kebencanan, LP2M UNEJ, displayed several products related to the environment and disasters, including the results of research related to landslide mitigation by a team from Geophysics, Department of Physics, FMIPA UNEJ. During a visit to the LP2M UNEJ booth, the Regent emphasized the importance of a holistic approach in dealing with disaster risks, especially landslides in Rembangan.. Continue reading


Through Theme of Moss as Anticancer, FMIPA UNEJ Student Team won Silver at NICYMS 2023

Again, FMIPA University of Jember Team made scientific work achievements at national level, namely National Invention Competition for Young Moslem Scientists or NICYMS 2023 (25-26/5). The silver medal was the result of the team’s hard work with theme of Dumortiera hirsuta’s Moss Heart as Anticancer. The routine agenda initiated by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) and Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University (UIN) Bandung will take place in a hybrid manner this year. “We took part in the Pure Science – Biology category from several categories that were contested at the event which were joined by some of the best universities in Indonesia,” said Abdillah Maulana Farhan as team leader.

The FMIPA team consisted of Abdillah Maulana Farhan, Selly Hervianingsih Ramadhani, Kaysha Rahmadita Widyadana, Amalia Ayu Pratiwi from Biology and Nur Diana Holida from Mathematics. They were equipped and guided by Biology Lecturer Dr.rer.nat Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc. “We have prepared this competition carefully with effort and hard work in order to achieve the desired achievement, winning a medal,” he continued. Continue reading


Super Longan Harvest, Superior Variety Research Results of Biology Lecturer FMIPA UNEJ

Super Longan is result of research by Dr. Hidayat Teguh Wiyono, M.Pd. a lecturer at Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. The Super Longan stems from Pak Teguh concern about the Jember local longan plant which initially only grew without fruit. One of the reasons is that the hot temperature in Jember Regency makes longans do not want to flower to process into fruit. Furthermore, Pak Teguh said that longan Jember will flower only if stimulated so that it can bear fruit, without being stimulated with a booster it cannot. With special ingredients and packaged in the form of fertilizer, it is able to produce thick, sweeter longan fruit and smaller seeds. It was proven when holding the harvest on terrace of the Biology Department, FMIPA University of Jember a few days ago, The FMIPA of UNEJ community tried firsthand the advantages of super longan. “The flesh of the fruit is thick, tastes sweet and what is different is that the seeds are smaller than other longans,” said one of the staff at FMIPA UNEJ. Dozens of super longan bundles were prepared by being transported by Pak Teguh’s own unique vehicle. Several FMIPA staff who came to Biology building also received many stories about the management of super longan. The super longan, which was the result of Pak Teguh’s research, was also planted in the Banyuwangi, Lumajang, Bondowoso, and Situbondo areas of course with a booster. Continue reading