Category Archives: News


Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Officially Opens PPMB FMIPA Jember University in 2023

Located in the FMIPA UNEJ parking lot, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially opened the Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Mahasiswa Baru (PPMB) at FMIPA Jember University in 2023 (16/9). “This year’s PPMB implementation will be fully offline again, which will be carried out every Saturday from September 9 to September 30, 2023,” he said. The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ hopes that all new students will be able to manage their time and maintain their health so they can take part in PPMB 2023 amidst the busy schedule of lectures from morning to evening with mandatory courses that must be taken.

“Manage your time as best as possible, maintain your diet, and rest because PPMB 2023 at the weekend is when your energy is fully devoted to lectures and practicums,” he advised. Like last year, FMIPA UNEJ will focus on the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM). There will be material on controlling ideas and PKM writing training. FMIPA concentrates on PKM because it hopes that with the many new students this year, there will be several groups that will be able to penetrate the national level. Other national-level competitions were also promoted by the presenters. Continue reading


Collaboration in Teaching Biodiversity Courses: Masters in Biology, FMIPA UNEJ, and FMIPA UB

Master of Biology FMIPA Jember University and Master of Biology FMIPA Brawijaya University held a collaboration to teach biodiversity courses online (15/9). Prof. Dr. Amin Setyo Leksono from Brawijaya University, as the speaker, delivered material on animal population estimation methods. “We need an animal population approach first, both census and sampling,” he initially said. Continuing the census requires a lot of personnel to count all the flora in an area. Meanwhile, sampling can be done using direct or indirect analysis.

Prof. Amin continued direct sampling itself, divided into several methods. “There are quadratic methods, transect lines, exploration and exclusion methods, and finally we have to calculate the population size,” he continued. For indirect methods, there are several methods, including traps, concentration calculations, trace counts, and interview methods. The conclusion from the initial session was that the benefit of animal estimation is knowing population dynamics patterns, including influencing factors. “We come to know the potential of each type, its role and benefits, and finally, what policies to take for this population,” he concluded. Continue reading


FMIPA Biology Holds The 5th ICOLIB 2023 for 2 Days, Presenting Expert Researchers Across Continents

The Department of Biology, FMIPA, University of Jember held the 5th International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ICOLIB) 2023 on a hybrid basis (12–13/9). ICOLIB is an international seminar scheduled every two years. The first ICOLIB was held in 2015, and in 2023, this will be the fifth event. Taking the theme “Global Insights and Innovations of Life Sciences Research in the Post-COVID-19 Era,” the topic is applied sciences, basic sciences, biodiversity and bio-conservation, and health and medicine. Keynote speakers were presented from several countries, including Indonesia as the host.

The 5th ICOLIB 2023 was officially opened online by Iwan Taruna, Rector of University of Jember. In his message, Rector invited researchers involved in ICOLIB to exchange information on research results after being hampered by the pandemic for some time. “ICOLIB is a place to share the research results of researchers, and this is very relevant to the vision of the University of Jember, namely to make the university superior in the development of environmentally friendly science, technology, and arts, business, and industrial agriculture,” he said. At the end of the Rector’s speech, he hoped that UNEJ would continue to carry out scientific research through international seminars as one of its means. Continue reading


Ethics and Skills Lead Niam, an FMIPA Chemistry Alumni, to Become a Quality Manager at Puslit KoKa Jember

“UNEJ FMIPA alumni have good logic that other graduates don’t necessarily have, because the emphasis in a job is logical thinking,” began Muhammad Bahrul Niam, Chemistry Department Alumni, at the FMIPA Alumni Sharing event (8/9). Niam, as he is familiarly called, tells of his struggles while studying at FMIPA, starting his career, and now holding a position at Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia. “I was one of the last residents while studying, but my determination to get a job was so high that I moved to Surabaya,” he said.

Niam continued that carrying out work requires a little “pencitraan“, of course supported by qualified abilities in the field of work pursued. “The image here is to show that we are also capable, that we can, of course, with the support of the skills we have, and I have applied that in Surabaya until now,” he said. The FMIPA UNEJ Alumni Sharing was attended by 30 prospective graduates and female graduates who will take part in period 2 undergraduate and postgraduate graduations at the University of Jember for the 2023–2024 academic year. Present at the event were the leadership of Dean of FMIPA, the leadership of study programs within the FMIPA environment, and ORMAWA FMIPA functionaries at Jember University. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Physics Department holds the 4th SENAFIS again in 2023 after the Pandemic.

The Department of Physics, FMIPA, University of Jember is again holding the 4th National Physics Seminar (SENAFIS) in 2023 (7/9). Taking the theme Menjawab Tantangan Era Society 5.0 Pasca Pandemi Covid 19 we will present the keynote speakers, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Bin Mohamed Sharif, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Prof. Agus Subekti, Ph.D., University of Jember, and Dede DJuhana, Ph.D., University of Indonesia. Also invited were speakers Dr. Erma Yulihastin from BRIN, Ir. Misto, M.Si., and Dr. Yuda Cahyoargo Hariadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., second, from the Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ. SENAFIS 4 2023 was held offline in the Physics Auditorium and online via Zoom meeting.

The event was officially opened by Vice Chancellor I of the University of Jember, Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D. “Physics is the foundation, and there are famous scientists from the field of physics, so this event is very appropriate to be held as a place to share information from speakers until the parallel session later,” he said. Prof. Slamin also quoted a conversation between Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin. “What I admire most about your art is its universality. You don’t say a word, but the whole world understands you,” Einstein told Chaplin. Chaplin replied to this remark: “That’s right. But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say.” Continue reading


DWP FMIPA UNEJ Regular Meeting: Making Woven Bags with the Creative Industry Pak Tara Craft

Dharma Wanita Association FMIPA Jember University held a regular meeting (6/9). “Thank God this regular meeting can be attended by more participants; hopefully we will always be given good health so that the friendship continues,” said Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, who is also the Supervisor of DWP FMIPA. The Dean’s Meeting Room looked full, and apart from the gathering agenda, the FMIPA DWP members were also enthusiastic about immediately following the practice of making woven bags.

“Today we will be accompanied by Mrs. Lidya Ningrum from Pak Tara Craft to make woven bags,” said Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah, Chair of DWP FMIPA at the start of the event. Mr. Tara Craft has made many woven bags and has also provided assistance in making woven bags. “We hope that these skills can be useful for all DWP members while filling their free time by continuing to be creative,” he concluded. The participants were then given three packages of rope as material for making woven bags. Continue reading