Category Archives: News


Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Field Coverage, BERKALA SAINSTEK is now DOAJ indexed

The journal BERKALA SAINSTEK which covers several fields of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is now indexed by the Directory Open Access Journal or DOAJ (10/1). “BERKALA SAINSTEK or BST can finally be DOAJ indexed after some time experiencing rejection and an embargo for 6 months,” said Siswoyo, Chief Editor of BST who is also Deputy Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ. BST is a fairly senior journal within UNEJ. Apart from the MIPA field, BST broadly covers the fields of natural sciences and technology involving editors from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Teaching and Education.

“BST is a fairly senior journal along with 8 other journals at UNEJ, indexed DOAJ, following its younger siblings in MIPA, namely the ILMU BASIC Journal and CERiMRE,” he continued. BST began publication in 2013 and has been accredited by SINTA 4. “In the beginning, BST became a forum for articles from UNEJ students and lecturers, but in recent years it has become a national journal with writers from several universities outside UNEJ,” explained Siswoyo. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ encourages the Acceleration of Lecturer Promotions

The leadership of FMIPA UNEJ through Vice Dean II held an information update meeting and a progress report on the accelerated promotion of batch 1 lecturers online (6/1). “This meeting is the fifth time at the beginning of the year, the rank for lecturers is important for the institution even though it is also the lecturer’s personal domain,” the Dean of FMIPA started in his speech. The meeting was attended by all lecturers in FMIPA. Furthermore, the Dean invited all lecturers who were ready to immediately identify their needs in submitting promotions.

“For lecturers who have the potential to be promoted, there will be a special agenda for assistance by the FMIPA staffing team so they can immediately be promoted this month,” he continued. Recently, FMIPA has concentrated on accelerating the promotion of lecturers. Starting from the socialization process to accelerating the completeness of supporting documents. “Before starting the even semester lectures and the completed BKD, it is hoped that the lecturers can concentrate on taking care of their promotion,” he concluded. Continue reading


The Peak Night of RESANDRIA and the 2022 Anniversary of UKMS TITIK FMIPA University of Jember

The series of 23rd FMIPA UNEJ anniversary events have been held. The peak night of RESANDRIA Rise And ShinE within the Delightful CelebRatioNs of FMIPA Anniversary, the theme for this year’s FMIPA anniversary was closing at Soejarwo Building, University of Jember some time ago. Faculty leaders and all FMIPA residents were also present to witness the selection of the 2022 MIPA ambassador finalists. The finalists showed off their talents to be selected as FMIPA 2022 ambassadors chosen by the jury and votes from FMIPA residents.

Apart from the 2022 FMIPA ambassadors, the peak night also awarded Indonesian and English MIPA Student Debate Competition competitions, photography competitions, mobile legend e-sport, and the 2022 Student Creativity Program Competition. only this year,” explained the committee. Symbolically the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ symbolically closed the series of the 23rd anniversary of FMIPA in 2022. Continue reading


DWP FMIPA Becomes Joint Committee for DWP’s 23rd Anniversary and 94th Mother’s Day at Catur Wulan DWP UNEJ

Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ became a joint committee with the DWP Faculty of Pharmacy, FTP, FKG, and FKEP on the 23rd DWP Anniversary and 94th Mother’s Day at Catur Wulan DWP UNEJ (21/12). The event with the theme Optimizing the role of mothers in improving children’s health through the use of TOGA plants was held at the Auditorium of the University of Jember. Starting from the cutting of the tumpeng by the Head of DWP UNEJ Wiwin Iwan Taruna accompanied by Rina Slamin and Rini Bambang Kuswandi. Continued handing over the rope of compassion to the foster children.

Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah as Chairperson of DWP FMIPA UNEJ also had the opportunity to provide compassion with the Chairperson of the DWP UNEJ who was the committee at the event. “Tali asih is also part of the FMIPA DWP program, as some time ago we conveyed to students in the form of educational donations,” said Nur Sa’dijah. The program is part of several fields in DWP FMIPA, namely education, economics and socio-culture. Continue reading


Visitation of ASIIN International Accreditation for Undergraduate Biology Study Program FMIPA UNEJ

Department of Biologi, FMIPA and Master degree of Biotechnology University of Jember carried out ASIIN’s international accreditation visitation (15-16/12). The Akcreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN team held a meeting with the heads of institutions at UNEJ on the first day. The ASIIN Peer Group consists of Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Meinhardt, University of Muenster, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nellen, Kassel University, Yayang Vionita, PT Cinquer Agro Nusantara, Fatima Qonita Nazihah, State University of Surabaya.

They are with ASIIN Office Dr. Iring Wasser heard presentations on university development, institution profiles, teaching studies. Jember University leadership also gave presentations on collaboration with stakeholders, perspective on resource development, institutional facilities, communication and coordination, study organization and management, teaching to students and quality management at the university level. Continue reading


Chemistry Study Program and Physics Study Program FMIPA received the Predicate of UNGGUL Accreditation from LAMSAMA

Two Undergraduate Study Programs at FMIPA are Chemistry and Physics received UNGGUL accreditation. This is based on the decision of Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) Number 008/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2022 for Chemistry Study Program. And LAMSAMA decision Number 015/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/XII/2022 for the Physics Study Program (15/12). The achievement of superior accreditation is very proud for both study programs and also for all FMIPA members. “All of us FMIPA UNEJ, especially the two study programs, are very grateful for this achievement, hard work produces the best results at the end of the year,” said the Dean.

The success of the Chemistry and Physics undergraduate study program at FMIPA was an effort made by all parties. Each study program through its accreditation team prepares forms, supported by lecturers, students, alumni and stakeholders working hand in hand to achieve the title of Excellent accreditation. Jember University leadership also plays a role in the LAMSAMA accreditation process. This was seen during the field assessment of the two study programs, the Rector and Vice Rector I UNEJ were present to accompany the visitation process. Continue reading