Tag Archives: accrediation


Journal of MIMS, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Accredited by SINTA 3

Congratulations and success for the MIMS journal in obtaining SINTA 3 accreditation from the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology which has been waiting for some time,” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Deputy Dean I FMIPA UNEJ as well as Head of the Jember University OJS Team (31/7). MIMS is an old journal that was previously accredited by SINTA 4 and was also able to achieve the DOAJ index in April 2023. “MIMS is an old journal that already has many articles, with the achievement of SINTA 3 and also DOAJ, more and more writers are interested in submitting to MIMS,” continued Siswoyo.

MIMS is an acronym for the Scientific Mathematics and Statistics Magazine managed by the Department of Mathematics, FMIPA University of Jember. It has published a print edition since 2000 and has an online version since 2020. MIMS, led by Dr. Kristiana Wijaya as the Editor-in-chief , has prepared the SINTA re-accreditation process through finalizing the requirements from ARJUNA and first obtaining DOAJ to add assessment points. Continue reading


Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ won ASIIN International Accreditation

After going through the assessment process since it was submitted in December 2022, the Undergraduate Program in Biology FMIPA UNEJ won International Accreditation from the Accrediterungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN. “We express our gratitude for the achievement of accreditation from ASIIN, after preparing and waiting for this happy news to finally come,” said Dr. Retno Wimbaningrum Head of Biology Study Program FMIPA..

ASIIN Accreditation for Biology Study Program FMIPA conforms to Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework for Life-long Learning (EQF LLL) . Accreditation Letter signed by Dr. Iring Wasser as the Managing Director who was present at ASIIN’s visitation some time ago. The Head of the Biology Study Program hopes that ASIIN’s accreditation achievements can spread to all FMIPA study programs and also become an encouragement for the Biology Masters Study Program which is in the process of being re-accredited. “The ASIIN accreditation obtained will increase our enthusiasm and the re-accreditation team for the master of biology study program to achieve superior accreditation, hopefully,” he hoped. Continue reading


LAMSAMA Accreditation Field Assessment for Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA UNEJ

The team of Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) conducted a field assessment for the accreditation of the Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA UNEJ. The Chancellor of University of Jember, Iwan Taruna had the opportunity to attend and open the field assessment (14/11). In his remarks, Iwan Taruna said that several study programs at UNEJ were also in the same accreditation process as the Chemistry Pod. “In recent times, several study programs on our campus have also carried out the accreditation process both nationally and internationally,” he said.

Furthermore, Iwan Taruna said that the Chemistry Study Program had prepared such a field assessment in a relatively short time. “According to the Dean, the Chemistry Study Program is ready for assessment and this opening is special. At the opening of the assessment, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor I and Vice Chancellor III attended the opening,” said Iwan Taruna. Continue reading


Initial Coordination Meeting for 2022 FMIPA UNEJ: Improving Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Achieving IKU

“It is necessary to formulate so that the world of work can quickly absorb alumni, one of which is by making the institution known, such as participating in international accreditation. Besides that, it is also necessary to optimize the role of alumni, so that more alumni get decent jobs,” said Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember in the introduction to the Leadership Coordination Meeting within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the theme of Improving Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Achieving IKU and technical services in the academic, general and financial fields as well as student affairs (10/1). In the coordination meeting held in the general lecture room of the Chemistry Department, the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hopes to seek international accreditation so that FMIPA can exist more. “Regarding the curriculum resume that has been submitted, we hope that the Department of Biology and Mathematics will continue with assistance from LP3M and involve the roles of UPM and GPM,” he hoped. Regarding Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU), in terms of writing scientific articles, it is possible to achieve if they are designed properly, the number of research results will be more and more distributed by the community. In front of the Heads of undergraduate and master study programs participating in the coordination meeting, the Dean also said that GPA of FMIPA students was still below university’s GPA of 3.30. This requires an increase in learning instruments so that the achievement of the minimum score can increase without having to reduce quality. At the end of his speech, the Dean of FMIPA again touched on international accreditation to attract prospective master’s students. “It is necessary to strive for international accreditation so that it becomes the target of students, one of which is through the LPDP scholarship, so that the interest will be even higher,” he concluded. Continue reading


CERiMRE Journal of Physics FMIPA held Webinar Acceleration Towards an Accredited Journal

Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) Journal, Department of Physics FMIPA UNEJ held  Webinar Acceleration Towards Accredited Journal (7/10). Presenting three persons who are competent in their fields, Prof. Dr. Ade Gahfar Abdullah, M.Si. from Electrical Engineering, UPI, Khairul Anam, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. from Electrical Engineering, FT, UNEJ and Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. from Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UNEJ who is also Ketua Tim OJS University of Jember. First speaker, Prof. Ade delivered presentation entitled Kiat-kiat Mencapai Jurnal Internasional Terindex. “The important thing in managing international journals is that editors must have a high commitment in developing journals, full concentration and have good journal insights,” he said. Prof. Ade, who is also the manager of the Scopus indexed journal, Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology, said that it takes time and special dedication to develop a journal. “I used to ask Rektor to teach less because it would focus on developing the journal” he said. More, Prof. Ade said that comparative studies in international journals were also needed, he did with CRC Press, Antlatis Press and IOP Publishing. Session moderated by Dr. Artoto Arkundato, S.Si, M.Si. as Editor-in-Chief of CERiMRE Journal, also discussed the criteria that must be met for a journal to enter Scopus. “Journal Policy, Quality of Content, Journal Standing, Regularity, Online availability are criteria that must be met by journals that will reach Scopus,” he explained. Continue reading