Five PKM-RE Teams from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember Passed PKM Funding in 2024

Five Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) Teams from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Jember University will receive funding in 2024. The teams from the Department of Chemistry and Biology took part in the PKM Research and Exacts (PKM-RE) field. The five are entitled to receive funding of between 7-9 juta rupiah and must produce output in the form of progress reports, final reports, scientific articles, and social media accounts. “They will prepare progress reports up to the final report for later assessment and announcement of the 2024 PKM Award winners next August,” said Dr. M. Reza, a lecturer in the Chemistry Department who is also one of the supervisors of the PKM FMIPA UNEJ team.

It is hoped that the efforts of the PKM FMIPA UNEJ team will produce the best results so that they can qualify for the 37th Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS), which will be held on October 16-22, 2024, at Airlangga University, Surabaya. This hope is very big because PKM supports the achievement of Main Performance Indicators (IK) for higher education institutions, and for students, it can be converted into credits and/or SKPI recognition. This conversion has been regulated, and universities have the freedom to determine the number of credit conversions and courses according to the PKM field being followed.

The following are the FMIPA PKM Teams that have passed funding in 2024:

Research Title
Study Program
Team Leader/Coach
Analisis Imunoinformatika Potensi Apyrase dari Kelenjar Saliva Ae. aegypti sebagai Kandidat Vaksin Penghambat Transmisi Dengue Biology Alvina Nur Laili/Syubannul Wathon, S.Si., M.Si.
Flokulasi Mikroalga Menggunakan Kitosan Magnetik serta Uji Potensinya sebagai Pupuk N dan P Chemistry Imelda Dwi Puspita/Dr. Bambang Piluharto, S.Si., M.Si.
Modifikasi Biochar dari Limbah Batang Tembakau untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Adsorpsi Nitrat dalam Air Chemistry Inggrit Ayuningtyas/Dr. Bambang Piluharto, S.Si., M.Si.
Pemanfaatan Puntung Rokok Bekas Termodifikasi Surfaktan Alami sebagai Adsorben Timbal pada Limbah Cair Industri Rokok dalam Upaya Penerapan Ekonomi Sirkular Chemistry Moh. Zeinur Ridho/Dr. Muhammad Reza, S.Si., M.Si.
Test Strip Berbasis Metil Merah untuk Tes Cepat. Praktis, dan Ekonomis Senyawa Formalin dalam Sampel Ikan Chemistry Lina Sun Haji/Drs. Zulfikar, Ph.D.

For your information, the object of PKM-RE research is natural phenomena according to the laws of physics, chemistry and biology. Revealing cause-and-effect relationships, action-reaction, design, exploration, alternative materials, attractive product designs, blue prints, and the like or identification of active chemical compounds. The scope of this research is more in the fields of medicine, health, pharmacy, agriculture, technology, basic science, mathematics and materials science and earth.